Jan. - May 2008:

May 30, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt May 30, 2008:
"From ABC You Learn to Train,
From a Long Process into Your Brain,
The Military Boys have the Answer to Time -
Downloading Directly into Your Mind"
© Alan Watt May 30, 2008

(Articles: "Kids set for 'Matrix' future" - May 30, 2008.)
"European Parliament to ban Eurosceptic groups" by Bruno Waterfield (telegraph.co.uk) - May 27, 2008.)
"Alarming levels of hazardous chemicals in Canadian canned foods" ANI (at feeds.bignewsnetwork.com) - May 29, 2008.)

Pyramid of Reality - World Commonwealth, United Nations - Apathy and Fear, Rising Prices and Taxes, Abused Mentality. Entertainment Indoctrination, Comedies, Britain and U.S. - Predictive Programming - Media Handouts - "Matrix"-style Downloading, Programmed Controllers. Amalgamation of Americas - European Union, Britain - EU Parliament - 2010, U.S., Canada, Mexico - "Democracy", Margaret Thatcher, Parallel Government - Homeland Security. Canada: Guinea Pigs for GMO Food, Bisphenol-A in Food and Drink - Bioengineering. War to Destroy Family - Culture Under Attack, Social Engineering - "Assertive" Schooling - Soviet Birth Control (Abortion) - China, Creation of Social Approval and Disapproval. Cloning, Genetic Engineering for New Types of Humans - Donor Wombs - Genetic Selection. "Wag the Dog" movie.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - May 30, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

May 28, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt May 28, 2008:
"For 'Trekkie' fans, It's 'Red Alert!'
As Captain Kirk tries to Assert,
"There's Too Many Humans on that Planet There!
Nature Will Kill 'cause Nature Does Care,
I'm Transhumanist Now, Let Nature Decide,
Perhaps Part-Alien, I've Crossed the Divide,"
Well Cap'n, from Scotty, Try This On for Size,
You Know Where to Stuff Your Great Enterprise"
© Alan Watt May 28, 2008

(Articles: " 'Kirk' calls for depopulation" by Mark Baard (parallelnormal.com) - May 26, 2008.)
"Pesticides: Germany bans chemicals linked to honeybee devastation" by Alison Benjamin (guardian.co.uk) - May 23, 2008.)
"Surging inflation will stoke riots and conflict between nations, says report" by Andrew Clark (guardian.co.uk) - May 23 2008.)

Egosyntonic Society - Domestication - Psychopathic System - Revolutions, Masonic Societies, Communist Party - "The Rite Stuff" - Totalitarian Regime. Following the "Wandering Stars", Fiction - "Star Trek" series, Intergalactic Federation, Captain Kirk (William Shatner) - Transhumanism, Eugenics, "Efficiency". Canada, GMO Food, Pesticides, Dying Bees, Germany - PR Men - Bayer, Monsanto, Chemicals, Skyrocketing Cancer Rates. Eco-Fanatic Propaganda, "Carbon Footprint", Taxed for Air You Breathe - Bureaucratic Businesses - Merger of Capitalism and Communism. "Blasphemy" - Eugenic Religion - Military Strategy - Increased Taxation - Movement into Big Cities. End of National Sovereignty - U.S. funded European Union - 3 Trading Blocs. Destruction of Old System - Everyone is Used - Gender Wars. Genetics, Perfect Obedient Slave - Chip Implants.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - May 28, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

May 26, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt May 26, 2008:
"Con of the Carbon Life-form -
'If You Live with Credit of the Affluent,
You Can Buy Credits for Your Carbon Footprint,
Life at the Bottom will be Crowded and Policed,
Shafted by Governments, Ordered and Fleeced' "
© Alan Watt May 26, 2008

(Articles: "MPs back personal carbon credits" (news.bbc.co.uk) - May 26, 2008.)
"Dallas ISD's chronic truants back on the radar with GPS devices" by Kent Fischer, Dallas News - May 25, 2008.)

Reasoning - Experts Give Opinions - The Third Way - Eugenics - Psychopathic "Footprints" - Social Approval and Disapproval, Middle Class Adaptation. Rationing - UN Agenda 21 - Public Perception - Personal Carbon Tax and Credits - Catholic "Indulgences" - Planned Society. GPS Tracking Devices for Truants. Gehenna (rubbish dump outside Jerusalem) - Greek Hades - "Hell" - Fear of Afterlife - Feudal System. Christ - Perfected Being - Virgin Birth - Simple Rules for Living - Biblical Alteration - Hierarchy, Mixing Politics and Spirit. Peace Sign, Nuclear Disarmament, Esoteric Symbol. Ancient Philosophy, Plato, Culture from Top Down - International School System, Youth Fanaticism. Club of Rome book "The First Global Revolution", Global Warming Fraud - New Testament Revelations, Famines - Eradication of "Inferior Types", Genetics. Mantras, Political Correctness. U.S. South, Riots, Water Rationing - Canada - U.S. Job almost Over, Internal Army. Analysis of Aerial Spray.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - May 26, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

May 23, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt May 23, 2008:
"The Mass-Man Moves toward Integration,
The Few with Spirit toward Separation,
These are the Times when Your Next-of-Kin
Will Take Offence and Turn You In"
© Alan Watt May 23, 2008

(Article: "Home Office plans to create 'Big brother' database for phones calls, emails and web use" by Andy Bloxham (telegraph.co.uk) - May 20, 2008.)

Purpose-Made Slaves, Born to Serve World State - Britain's Home Office, Database of All Communications. No Point in Trying to Wake Up the "Walking Dead" - Egosyntonic Society - Canned Laughter, Pavlovian Response. Prayer to Human Gods - Ancient Emperors - Deification of Humans - Economic Precedence - Rise of Elitism. "Anti-Terrorist" Dramas, Brainwashing, Turning in Relatives - Playing "Safe". Short Period of Having "Rights" - Retaining Memory, Teaching Generations. Psychotronic Weaponry - Voice-to-Skull Advertising - Experiments. Separation of Humanity into 2 Types: Those Who Know and "The Dead" - Starting Anew - Being Careful.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - May 23, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

May 21, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt May 21, 2008:
"The Chessboard's Set
The Pawns are in Place,
As They Move Toward
The Humanimal Race"
© Alan Watt May 21, 2008

Shock - Crisis Stage - Cunning Psychopaths - British Law, Fathers no longer needed - Totalitarianism, Dictatorial Authority. Britain, Police Questioning of Youth - "At Risk" Children - Government "Outcomes" - Recording of ALL Communications. Internet, Data Collection - World Agency Monitoring - Tracking Chips, NSA Access Codes and Programs - Microsoft Windows Key - Intelligence Gathering. United Nations, Food Quotas per Population - 5 Agri-Food Businesses - Starvation into Compliance. Military Police, SWAT Team Tanks, Marked "Kills" - "Polygamist" Texas Raid - Waco. UN Agenda 21, Habitat Areas, Crowded Supercities - Refugee Movement on Mass - Ration Cards - "Humanimals" - Plato, Specially-Made Humans. Microwave Burst Ray-Guns, Iraq.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - May 21, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

"Why the police now have to ask teenage muggers: 'Do you eat chips?' " by Eileen Fairweather (dailymail.co.uk) - May 17, 2008.

"NSA Had Access Built into Microsoft Windows" by Duncan Campbell - March 27, 2008.

"Militarized Police Celebrate Killing Americans" by Paul Joseph Watson (at votenewyork.com) - May 20, 2008.

"Anthony Charles Lynton Blair due on trial in the Hague" [Microwave Radiation Weaponry used in Iraq] by David Halpin (uruknet.info) - May 16, 2008.

May 19, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt May 19, 2008:
"Freedom of Mind for He Who Chooses,
Is Known by Controllers Who Study The Muses"
© Alan Watt May 19, 2008

(Links: "Inside The LC: The Strange but Mostly True Story of Laurel Canyon and the Birth of the Hippie Generation (Part I)" Center for an Informed America (davesweb.cnchost.com) - May 8, 2008.)
"Rumsfeld: "Why Not another 911" " by Larry Chin (globalresearch.ca) - May 16, 2008.)
"Rumsfeld On 2006 Election: "The Correction For That...Is An Attack" " by Jason Linkins (huffingtonpost.com) - May 13, 2008.)

Psychological Warfare - More Sophisticated Form of Slavery - Educational Associations - Conology - Youth "Rebellion". Hippy Movement, Vietnam Era, Laurel Canyon - Folk Music - Sex, Drugs and Rock-and-Roll. View of Reality - News and Data - Change from Within - Psychopathy - Information Overload, Rat Chatter - Becoming Alive, Speaking Out. Donald Rumsfeld, "Another 9-11" - World Wars - "Pearl Harbor" attack - Perception Alteration. Separation of Generations, Breaking Bonds of Family - German Hippy Movement - Medicated Society, War on the People. Albert Einstein, Death of Bees, Bee Pollination - Worker Bees (People), Symbol of Beehive. Introduction of Money, Root of All Evil - Third-Party Master - Taxation toward Our Enslavement - Minted Coin, Gold Mines, "Value" of Slave's Life. Civilization, Leisure Class, Psychopaths Climb to Top. Malnourishment, Vitamins and Minerals - Population Reduction - Cancer of Stomach, GMO Food.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - May 19, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

May 16, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt May 16, 2008:
"The Web it said Will Soon be Dead,
But Hey Diddle-Diddle You'll be on the Grid(dle),
Got to be In Vogue and Not a Rogue,
Politically Correct, so Come On,
Come Be, a Happy Vetted Brain-Dead Zombie"
© Alan Watt May 16, 2008

Predictable Psychopaths - Big Lies - History of London - MI5 - Planetary Plunder - Living in the Dark - "Optimists" and "Pessimists". Internet, Military-Industrial Complex - Cyber Attack - US Air Force Cyber Offensive, 'D5', Stealth Exfiltration of Information - "Soft" Harassment - "Rogue" Individuals. Private Security Services, FBI, CIA - Crown Corporations - Government Agency Access to Communication Devices. Food "Shortage", Reduced Population - Dr. Salk, Viruses in Polio Shot, Polio Hype - "Authority" Propaganda - Merck Vaccinations - IQ Drop. "The Grid" Computing Project - Online Computer Memory and Data Storage - Pentagon Computer Viruses. Jacques Ellul, Local Gossip Collection - Snoops in Your Area - "Rehabilitation" - Rifle-Armed Patrols. Theosophy, Madame Blavatsky, New Age - The Beatles song "Sexy Sadie" - Drug Influx, Heroin, LSD, Pharmaceutical Companies - Victor Rothschild, Porton Downs. Generation Division - Promiscuity - Destruction of Christianity - Ecstasy Drug - Health Record Tracking. Plato, Merger of Opposing Systems, "Third Way", Alvin Toffler book "Third Wave" - "The New Age" journal, Scottish Rite - "Charismatic" Christianity, Channeling, Speaking Tongues.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - May 16, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

"Air Force Seeks Full Spectrum Dominance Over "Any And All" Computers" by Steve Watson (Infowars.net) - May 14, 2008.

Government Proposals for Private Internet Snoops (fbo.gov).

VIDEO: "Merck drug company vaccines admits injecting cancer viruses" (liveleak.com) - Nov. 17, 2007.

"Coming soon: superfast internet" by Jonathan Leake, Science Editor (timesonline.co.uk) - April 6, 2008.

VIDEO: "Mark Thomas - Secret Map Of Britain" [Military Establishments to be Used in Time of War or Chaos] - (2002) Channel 4 TV.

May 14, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt May 14, 2008:
"Your Neighbourhood Snoopers are Such Party Poopers,
Now They Have Authority to be Busybody,
While They Chat with Simplicity about Your Ethnicity,
Are You Politically Correct? Are You on a List?
Hope You Get Angry, Hope You Get Pissed"
© Alan Watt May 14, 2008

(Articles: "Town Halls should map race and religion to identify 'tension hotspots', says Hazel Blears" by Steve Doughty (dailymail.co.uk) - May 12, 2008.)
"The REAL brain drain: Modern technology - including violent video games - is changing the way our brains work, says neuroscientist" by Susan Greenfield (dailymail.co.uk) - May 9, 2008.)

Information Overload - Filling the "Void" - RIIA, "World Citizens" - Scientific Horror Show, Time of Control Freaks. Britain, Racial and Religion "Hot Spots" - "Bin Police" - Data Collection - Spying, Monitoring, Surveillance - World Riots, World Government. Drugged Population, Pharmaceuticals - Brain Alteration - Giving Up Individuality, Becoming Mass. Bertrand Russell, China, Canadian University Training - GATT, Factory Funding - Chinese Elite. HAARP, Weather Warfare, Satellites - United Nations, World Depopulation. Tavistock Experimentation, Huxley, Use of Radio and Television - Music, Frequencies, Theo Adorno, Trotskyism - CIA, Nihilistic Art, Culture Industry.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - May 14, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

May 12, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt May 12, 2008:
"All That Was must Pass Away
The New Order must Have Its Day
First must Come the End of Nation
By Crisis, Circus and Degradation"
© Alan Watt May 12, 2008

(Articles: "Prince Philip: 'Just too many people to feed' " by Patrick Sawer (telegraph.co.uk) - May 10, 2008.)
"3rd option in death: Dissolve bodies" by Norma Love, The Associated Press (at seattletimes.nwsource.com) - May 9, 2008.)
"Things your body can do after you die" by Maggie Koerth-Baker (CNN.com) - April 30, 2008.)

Staying on the Radio Airwaves (not paid for shows) and Internet - Your Orders and Donations are Necessary to Keep Me (Alan) Going. Tiered System, Fascism, Oligarchies - Royalty-Natzi Connections - Prince Phillip, Food Shortages, RIIA, "Overpopulation" - "Conservation" - Eugenics Agenda. "Progress" - Loss of Unions - Science of Controlling Minds, Universal Schooling - Generational Separation - Broken People, Wish for Retirement. Funeral Racket - Treatment of the Dead, Mourning - Debasement of Death and Life - Slogans, "Greening" - Alkaline Hydrolysis Body Disposal. Cold War, Amalgamation of American and Soviet System - Collectivism, Degradation, Dehumanization - "Body World" Corpse "Art" Exhibition - China. Internal Strife, Chaos - Mass Protests, Funding, Foundations, CIA - British Immigration - Groups, Leaders, Intelligence Services. Vaccinations, Inoculations, Childhood Ailments - Contents of the Vial - Booster Shots, Crippling Rheumatoid Arthritis - Biowarfare - Autism. Scotland, Ireland, List for Eradication - Irish "Potato" Famine - Cultural History.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - May 12, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

May 9, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt May 9, 2008:
"Rockefellers: From Lycanthropy to Philanthropy - How Image Makers Turned Robber Barons into Benevolent Concerned Citizenry (on paper, that is)"
© Alan Watt May 9, 2008

(Articles: "Canadian train quarantined after woman dies on board" CNN (link to show transcript) - May 9, 2008.)
"The Self-Righteous Rich - Rockefeller Family Fables" by Sharon Smith (counterpunch.org) - May 8, 2008.)
"D.C. Forging Surveillance Network" by Mary Beth Sheridan (washingtonpost.com) - May 1, 2008.)

The "Great White North", Train Quarantine, Over-Reactions - Canadian Health Care, PR Job. Eugenics Movement, Foundations and Institutions - Population Control - "Poverty Gene" - Forced Sterilization of "Unfit" - Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger. Exxon-Mobil, Rockefeller Subsidiaries of Standard Oil, Record Profits - Robber Barons, Profession Makeovers as "Philanthropists". Politician-Madam Scandals - Socialization - Sidelines to Agenda - Given Culture and Morality - The Media - Overhead Spraying. Left and Right Wing in Tandem. Surveillance, Tax Money Funding Your Prison - "Enemy of the State" movie - Video Camera Network - No Privacy. Newborn DNA Collection and Testing, Labeling. One Cartel - RIIA, CFR, Front Men, Guidance of Society - Hitler, Galton's, Darwin's, Davenport - Cancer Institute - NGOs - Eradication of "Inferiors". Irish Revolution, Ireland, Catholics, Anglicans - Irish Famine (not just potatoes), Feeding of English Troops - Jonathan Swift. British Martial Law - Cotton Riots - Real History of Britain - Standing Armies turned on the People. HAARP, Earthquakes - Crisis, Plagues, Food Shortages. Zbigniew Brzezinski's "Grand Chessboard" - Iraq, War, New Schooling - Technetronic Era.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - May 9, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

May 7, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

"If Living were a Thing that Money Could Buy,
You Know the Rich Would Live and the Poor Would Die
(from song, "All My Trials") -

Title Copyright Alan Watt May 7, 2008:
Homeland Security Issues Orders to Hospitals Not to Treat the Medically Unfit in Times of Crisis"
© Alan Watt May 7, 2008

Cyber War, Harassment - Computers (Antique) leading to Microchip - Remote Servers, Central World Memory Bank - NSA, Total Information Network. Long-Term Warfare, Re-Education of a New Generation - Plato's "Republic" - Delaware Academy for Public Safety and Security - "The Ogre" movie - Youth Military. US S1858 Bill, DNA Database, Newborn Genetic Research - RIIA, CFR, Funding, Carroll Quigley - Canadian DNA Testing Centre - "Degenerative" types - Bioethics. Chinese Farming in Australia, China as World Policeman - Jacques Attali's "Millennium" book - Bureaucratic Movement into China. Abortion Clinics - FEMA, Portable Mass Crematoriums for "Coming" Pandemics. Control of Culture through Entertainment, Emotional Programming, Imbedded Ideas - Identification with Hero - Affected Youth, Taught to like "Your" Music - Debased Society. Airport Whole-Body Imagers, BWI, Creation of "Calm" Environment, Blue Haze. Psychotronics, Use in Schoolrooms - Memoirs of Eleanor Roosevelt, Soviet Children. Terrorism Business, Great Business for Psychopaths - Life-Saving Intervention Orders.
* Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - May 7, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

"Charter school will focus on homeland security" Delaware Business Ledger - April 3, 2008.

"Bush Signs Bill To Take All Newborns' DNA" by Steve Watson (infowars.net) - May 2, 2008.

"Now Boarding at BWI: Security With Hint of Calm" by Del Quentin Wilber and Ellen Nakashima (washingtonpost.com) - April 29, 2008.

"Who should MDs let die in a pandemic? Report offers answers" by Lindsey Tanner, The Associated Press - May 5, 2008.

May 5, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt May 5, 2008:
"The New "American" Century and The New Man"
© Alan Watt May 5, 2008

(Article: "Show reveals 1930s race to 'build a new man' " by James Adams (Globe and Mail Newspaper) - March 20, 2008.)

Genetics - New Feudal System, Overlords - Refugees into Supercities - Eugenics, Darwinism - Carnegie Institute - Front Foundations. Mendel, Hybrids, Breeding for Traits - Gradual Sterilization, Dropping Sperm Count - Adolf Hitler - George Bernard Shaw. Frank Zappa, Frankfurt School, Culture Creation - Aristotle, Voting, Governments. Vaccinations, MMR Shot, Autism, ADD - Childhood Inoculations - Early Rheumatoid Arthritis - Don Scott. Masonically-Run Cities, Towns - Freemasonry, Business Practices - "La-Z" Boy - Getting "Up the Ladder" - Worker Bees - Vatican Archives, Catholic Church - Mystifying Public, Discrediting Truth. Allen Rock, Martial Law, Canadian Crime Bill, US Patriot Act. Classroom Technology, Alteration of Child's Mindset - Matrix Reality - Educating Children.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - May 5, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

May 2, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt May 2, 2008:
The 'Big Idea' is Becoming Clear,
Crisis, Crisis, Growing Tension
Brings in a Whole New Dimension,
The Fittest Claim they Now are Leading
The Masses with Inferior Breeding,
Intensify Problems, Remove the Border,
Then Out of Chaos will come Order"
© Alan Watt May 2, 2008

(Article: "CIA Chief Sees Unrest Rising With Population" by Joby Warrick (washingtonpost.com) - May 1, 2008; Page A15.)

"Big Idea", New World Order - Eugenics Religion - New Norms - Darwinism - Census Data, DNA Collection, "Inferior Genes", Sterilization. Culture Clashes, Riots - British Department of Defence projections. "Overpopulation", Urban Sprawl, Cities, Appearance of Overcrowding. Dropping Sperm Count - United Nations - Terrorism - China, Atheistic Society - "International System" - Trotsky - Soviet Laboratory. "Pushing the Envelope", Hollywood, Hermaphrodite Characters. Malthus, Statistics - "Experimental Evolution", Extermination of Lower Classes and Races. Allegories - Khufu, Pyramids, Pharaoh's Plaque - "America B.C." book, Pyramids in Algonquin Park - Ancient Artifacts, North America - Columbus. U.S. Gold Shipments to Soviet Union. World Trade Center bombing, Bin Laden and Bush Families. Myth of Ancient Israel - Meanings of Zionism - World Under Law - Elite Aristocracy, Terminology - British Israel - Elite Modern Cities, China, Middle East. Symbolism of 911, Ides of September, Goddess born of Head of Zeus. Genetic Diversity, Hybridization. Venus, Lover at Night, Huntress in Morning - Lucifer - Morning Star.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - May 2, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

April 30, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt April 30, 2008:
"Farmers Go Annually for their Need
to Acquire Monsanto's Terminator Seed,
Expensive Chemicals to Ensure a Yield -
Food from a Deadly Carcinogenic Field"
© Alan Watt April 30, 2008

(Article: "Punjab reaps a poisoned harvest" by David Loyn (news.bbc.co.uk) - April 26, 2008.)

(Article: "Massachusetts Police Get Black Uniforms to Instill Sense of 'Fear' " (foxnews.com) - April 24, 2008.)

Science of Mind Control, Standardized Indoctrination - Internet - Elite Utopia, "Survival of the Fittest", Genetics - "Scientific Fact". Chemical Farming - Monsanto, Terminator Gene Seed, India - Pesticides, Cancer - Elite Tenant Farmers. League of Nations, Population Reduction, Eugenics. Predictable Agenda - Integration of Americas - Black Uniformed Police, Law Enforcement, Military Uniforms, Police State. U.S. Constitution, Masonic Founding Fathers, Benjamin Franklin, "Federation of the World". Bureaucracy - Multi-millionaire Politicians - Carroll Quigley. Far East, SARS Outbreak. H.G. Wells' "Open Conspiracy" - Public Acquiescence - Internal Armies, Police Soldiers - Reclaiming Rights. Fabian Society - Wells' "History of the World", Selective Breeding, Members of Races Allowed to Join Elite - Old Chinese Families, Old Power Structure.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - April 30, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

April 28, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt April 28, 2008:
"Shortly, Food Supplements to Keep You Healthy
Will be Prescription-Only and for the Wealthy,
To Prepare Us All for What's to Come,
The Population Must Be Weak, Sick and Dumb"
© Alan Watt April 28, 2008

(Article: "Canada's C-51 Law May Outlaw 60% of Natural Health Products; Big Pharma Pushing to Criminalize Supplements" by Mike Adams (naturalnews.com) - April 28, 2008.)

European Union - Foundations - Organized Crime - "Charming" Psychopaths - Fraternities - Big-Pharma, Elimination of Competition. Deficient Food, Malnourishment, Use of Supplements - Canadian C51 Law - Food and Drug Act - Law Terminology - Raids, Seizures, Fines - Criminalized Use of Herbs. "Gangs of New York" movie - Federal Government, Only Gang in Town. War on Psyche and Physical Bodies of Planet - Soaring Gas Costs, Refugees, Movement to Supercities, Public Transportation Only - Oil Gang - Return of Ration Cards. Carroll Quigley's "Tragedy and Hope" book - Wars, Takeovers - Corporations - Universities, Training Leaders of World - Kipling's "White Man's Burden" - "Manifest Destiny". Taking The Power Back - Subservient Training, "Subjects" - Public "Servants" - Riots in West, Internal Armies, NAFTA Highways, Rapid Deployment. Post-WWI Extortion Rackets, Town Thugs, Shootouts - Military Mindset, Propaganda - Non-violent Demonstrations, Taking Action Now - Victim Mentality - Police Armies, Raids, Prisoners. Economic Wars, Plunder - Dominant Elite. United Nations.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - April 28, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

April 25, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt April 25, 2008:
"Big Brother's Coming Door-to-Door to Enquire about Your Sex Life - Strictly For Statistical Reasons, of course"
© Alan Watt April 25, 2008

(Article: "Government to quiz households on sex lives and salaries" by Lewis Carter (telegraph.co.uk) - April 21, 2008.)

(Article: "U.S. to Expand Collection Of Crime Suspects' DNA" by Ellen Nakashima and Spencer Hsu (washingtonpost.com) - April 17, 2008.)

Loss of Privacy - Gimmick of Internet, Online "Communities" - Wars over Right to Privacy - UK Government Sex-Life Survey. US, DNA Databases, Collection from Arrestees - Canadian Federal DNA Facility - "Authorities" - Surveillance Cameras. Chemtrails Worldwide, Polymer Sky, Haze, Bronchial Problems - Mad Science - Spraying Sulfur or Crushed Glass for "Global Warming". Freemasonry, Albert Pike, Numbers - One and Duad - Hermaphrodite - Adam and Eve, The Fall - "Perfection of Imperfect" - Masonic Funerals - York and Scottish Rite. "New Age" magazine, Aquarian Age, Earth Worship - Story of Aquarius (Ganymede) Raped by Zeus - Pitcher of Water, Gene Pool. Writings of Paul, New Testament - Esoteric, Exoteric - Good Shepherds, Control of Flocks - Mass for Masses - Moses going up the Mountain, Elevated Man. OTO (Ordo Templi Orientis), Society of Masons to Run ALL Arts. Lenin: Thousand Directions Society Could Go - Charles Galton Darwin: More Sophisticated Slavery.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - April 25, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)


April 23, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt April 23, 2008:
"The New Autism ain't What It used to Be - Comparative Studies within Amish Community"
© Alan Watt April 23, 2008

(Article: "Unleashing the Bugs of War" by Mark Thompson (time.com) - April 18, 2008.)

(Article: "Exposed: the great GM crops myth" by Geoffrey Lean, Environment Editor (independent.co.uk) - April 20, 2008.)

(Article: "The Age of Autism: The Amish anomaly" by Dan Olmsted (upi.com) - April 18, 2005.)

The Agenda, Deja Vu - Psychopaths - Military-Industrial Complex - Dick Cheney, DARPA, Electronic Insects, Pentagon - "Bug" Assassination, Data Collection - "Pre-Arrest". Food Cartels, GMO Crops, Soya, Reduced Yields - Monsanto - Canadian Secret Deals. Marketing, Propaganda, Advertising, Laws. Autism, Lack of in Amish Communities, Lancaster County - Autistic Case Study - Cause of Autism - Amish Life - Vaccination, Religious Exemption. Reaction to Inoculations - Targeting the Brain, Viral and Chemical Means - Arthur Koestler - Bertrand Russell - Mandatory Shots. United Nations - League of Nations - Cold War, Nuclear Threat. Stocking Up on Bulk Food, Storage. FDR, Gold Confiscation. Carroll Quigley - Hand-Picked Politicians, One Agenda - Bush, Harper, Calderon (3 Amigos) Meeting, North American Integration, 2010.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - April 23, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

April 21, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt April 21, 2008:
"Gorge and Binge to go Out of Fashion
You'll Have a Card with Your Ration,
To the Steakhouse You Now Can't Go
But You Can Eat GMO Greenies,
All Hail Monsanto!
You'll Find Your Genes are All a-Fouled Up,
The Side Effect of Ready-Roundup!"
© Alan Watt April 21, 2008

(Article: "Food Rationing Confronts Breadbasket of the World" by Josh Gerstein, Staff Reporter of the Sun (nysun.com) - April 21, 2008.)

(Article: "UN calls for farming revolution" news.bbc.co.uk - April 15, 2008.)

(VIDEO: "The World According to Monsanto".)

New World Order - Aldous Huxley, Predictive Programming - Francis Bacon - Public Relations. League of Nations, Woodrow Wilson - Karl Marx, 3 Trading Regions - Scientific Socialism - Orwellian Phase to Huxlian Phase - 100 Years War. Branch Davidians - Recent Mormon Raid, Texas - Licenced Elite "Orgy Houses", Hypocrisy. Food Crisis, Food Cartel - Warfare Techniques - Rationing - Permission to Breed - Ordered Society - China - Hitler - Russian Revolution, London. United Nations, Debt, IMF, World Bank - UNESCO, "Experts", UN Agenda, Habitat Areas - Chemical Farming - Canadian Bribery. Herding towards Interdependence (Total Dependence) - World State of Service. Chemtrails, Start-and-Stop Trails, Worldwide - Politicians' Medical Treatment. Monsanto, GMO Plants, Pesticides - Dying Bees and Crows - Authorized Front Corporations - Modified Seed, Alberta Court Case. Masonic "Standard", Standardization - George Washington, "Grandmaster of the Americas" - "Team Players", "on track", "on board" - Golden "Obelisk". "Doomsday" Seed Vault. Carroll Quigley (Historian for CFR) - Archives, Formulas of Control.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - April 21, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

April 18, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt April 18, 2008:
"The Nation-State is now Transcendent,
You are now Global Slaves and Interdependent,
The Rise of Dominion, the Death of the Nation,
Welcome to the Global Plantation"
© Alan Watt April 18, 2008

Analysis of Gordon Brown Speech at Kennedy Center

(Article: "Accidents at Disease Lab Acknowledged" by Larry Margasak, NewsChannel 8 (news8.net) - April 11, 2008.)

(Article: "British prime minister calls for global 'interdependence' " by Denise Lavoie, Associated Press Writer (at seattletimes.nwsource.com) - April 18, 2008.)

Domestication, The Good Shepherd - Global Interdependence Agenda - Food Control, UN, Population Quota - "Catastrophe". Vegetarian World, GMO Crops, Drug-Producing Plants. Plum Island, Mosquito Breeding, Canada - Lyme Disease - Mad Cow - Culled Animals, Britain - Bird Flu, H5N1, British Columbia. Subjugation for "Safety" - History Down the "Memory Hole". Gordon Brown Speech - John F. Kennedy - "Special Relationship" between America and Britain - "Declaration of Interdependence", RIIA. Regional Integration - Globalization of Economy - Global Warming, Club of Rome - "Bold" Reforms - Currency Devaluation - Karl Marx. "Raid" from Sky, Spraying Above Your Head - Behaviour Modification, Changing Environment - Rogue Nations, Rapid Deployment Army. Predictive Programming - Fear Mongering - New Way of Living, Dependence, Credit Money - Y2K Scare - British Pound, Decimalisation. African National Congress, Rhodesia, South Africa - United African Continent.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - April 18, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

April 16, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt April 16, 2008:
"Crisis Cry-Sis from the Boys at the Top,
They've Got Us so Dizzy, Some Sway and Some Drop,
We're Sprayed Like Bugs, Still They Won't Let On,
Now They're Using Food as a Weapon"
© Alan Watt April 16, 2008

(Article: "Ottawa to pay pork farmers $50M to kill pigs" The Canadian Press (thestar.com) - April 14, 2008.)

(Article: "French push for EU food response" news.bbc.co.uk - April 14, 2008.)

Sprayed Skies, Chemical Mush, Poisoned from the Air - 10 Years of Spraying, Rising Cancer Rates - Drugging the Public, Tranquillizing Agents, Loading Dose. Keeping "Mum" - Collectivism - Better Slaves to Serve Masters - Crisis Creation - Enemies in Global Society - Mail Monitoring, The "New Freedom" (doing what you're told). Traditional Methods of War: Water, Food. Culling Swine Herd, Canada - Insulin from China - Hype of "Food Shortages". Alvin Toffler's "Third Wave" book, Vegetarian World, Modified Vegetables - Biofuels - EU - Soaring Prices - IMF, UN, WTO. Peanut Allergy - Alteration from Inoculations - Skyrocketing Death Rate, Diseases, Sterilization. Classes, Political Correctness (from Soviet Union), Politicians "Serving" Us - Internal Armies - Think Tank Projections. Surviving - Knowledge and Memory to Teach Next Generation. "Godhood" Status, Public Subservience. Fuel Prices. Medical Dramas aimed at Female Psyche - Vaccinations - Mormons' lack of Autism.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - April 16, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

WW2 Food Is A Weapon Poster
American WWII Poster

April 14, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt April 14, 2008:
"While Inflicting Torture and Pain, Our Masters Make Hay for Financial Gain - The End of Morality in the New Corporate Feudal System"
© Alan Watt April 14, 2008

(Article: "(What torture? We went shopping) While we went shopping, our leaders botched a war" by Leonard Pitts Jr. (at seattletimes.nwsource.com) - April 12, 2008.)

(Article: "Prepare to be "transitioned" into your new "habitat" " by Mark Baard - May 2, 2007.)

Torture - "Patriotic" Shopping - Degradation of Society, Military Video Game Desensitization, Programmed New Culture. 100 Years War - Humanoids, Brain Chip - Elimination of Family Unit - A New Way. US Homeland Security, Western Hemisphere Travel, Fenced in Your Borders - Potential "Terrorists", Anti-Globalist "Terrorists". Always Hope while Some of Us Can Think - Diverting this Course - YOU Are Your Own Champion. Think Tank Projections, Riots, 2010 - UN Control and Distribution of Food Supply - Megalomaniacs. Catholic Church, Rome, Caesar - Heretics, Excommunication - Aristocracy - "Caesar and Christ" book by Will Durant. Cultural Christianity, Formulas - Personal Experience - "Born Again", Born into Consciousness - Letting "The Dead bury Their Dead." Mono-Poly - Crop Seeds - Interdependence - Monsanto - Habitat Areas.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - April 14, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

April 11, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt April 11, 2008:
"Food Crisis Predictive Programming -
'Shortly You'll See from Hollywood
Movies with Rioting over Food
Heroes Guide Public to Just Get Along
All Paid For by the Pentagon' "
© Alan Watt April 11, 2008

Global Society based on Scientific Dictatorship - Memory of Freedom - TV Surrealism - Aldous Huxley, Cancer of the Tongue. Planned Society - Volunteer Sterilization - Overpopulation, Worldwide Abortion, Premature Aging Diseases, Inoculations, Immune System Attack. Royal Charters - Chatham House, OSS, MI6, CIA - RIIA, CFR, World Food Supply - Age of Crisis Creation - Haiti - UN, Loans, Chemical Farming. Aerial Spraying, HAARP, Storms - Brazil, Masonic Symbolism. Organized Plants, Hate Laws, CIA Front Organizations - Pentagon - "Anti-Government" radio. Suggestibility - Hearing, Lobes of Brain, Emotions - Theater Rigging, Fooling the Senses - High-Definition Television. Bill Gates, Authorized Technology - Monsanto Seed Patents. Trained Assassins, Mountain Paradise, Hashish, Hashshashins. Real Inoculations and Special Medical Treatment for Politicians. Herodotus, Elite Underground Dwellings and High Technology.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - April 11, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

"UK FOOD SUPPLY IN THE 21ST CENTURY: THE NEW DYNAMIC" --PDF File-- Research Project Proposal, Chatham House.

"UN food agency: Soaring food prices to persist" (msnbc.msn.com) - April 11, 2008.

"All UK citizens in ID database by 2017" by Philip Johnston (telegraph.co.uk) - March 6, 2008.

"Monsanto's Harvest of Fear" by Donald L. Barlett and James B. Steele, Vanity Fair magazine - May 2008 issue.

April 9, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt April 9, 2008:
"Water for a Dying Man? Not Without Master's Permission - UN Declares Water Not a Human Right"
© Alan Watt April 9, 2008

(Articles: "UN rejects water as basic human right" by Mike De Souza, Canwest News Service (canada.com) - March 25, 2008.)
"North American Army created without OK by Congress" by Jerome R. Corsi (worldnetdaily.com) - Feb. 24, 2008.)
"The Canada-Israel "Public Security" Agreement" by Michel Chossudovsky (globalresearch.ca) - April 2, 2008.)

Food Shortages, Riots - Access to Water Supply, Water Exporting - US-Canada Military Merger, Fortress America, Rapid Deployment Forces. Soaring Prices of Books Alan Mentions, Removal from Circulation by Agencies. Symbols - 12 Stars of EU Flag, Signs of Zodiac - Point within a Circle - Torch of Light, Lucifer - Intellect over Inferior - Rebirth, New System or New Man - Horse, Tripod, Neptune - Tongue, Sword. "Millennium: Winners and Losers in the Coming World Order" book by Jacques Attali. The Labyrinth, Minotaur, Myths and Truth. War in Iraq - Use of Ongoing War - Napoleon - World War II, Joseph Stalin. Britain, Saudi Arabia. Oxford University, Oxford on the Isis. Charitable Institutions - Red Cross, Salvation Army. Government "Handouts" - Reality Shows - Conditioned Public - "New World Order coming into view" - Destruction of Family, Oral Histories.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - April 9, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

April 7, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt April 7, 2008:
"The Created Food Shortages and the Coming Food Riots - Old Technique, Works Every Time"
© Alan Watt April 7, 2008

(Article: "Soaring price of food 'leads to riots' " by James Kirkup, Political Correspondent (telegraph.co.uk) - April 7, 2008.)

The Fast Track, "On Board" Their System, Upgrading - Age of Crisis Creation - Food as a Weapon - Monsanto, GMO Maize - Agri-Food Business, Terminator Seeds. Interdependence - 100 Years War, Radical Alteration of Society - "Ideal Design" Humans. Plato, Use of Money - Phoenicians, Gold Mining, Slaves - US Economic Depressions of 1800's. Black Panthers - Malcolm X. Privy Councils - $100 Barrel Oil, Rumsfeld - Fear-Mongering, Amalgamation of Americas - Fortress America - Civil Unrest - Security for Politicians. "The First Global Revolution" book by Club of Rome. Chemtrails, Types of Spraying - Polymer as Carrier Agent for Virus, Bacterium. Obedience to Masters, Our "Betters".
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - April 7, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

April 4, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt April 4, 2008:
"Democracy by Bureaucracy by Well-Funded NGO Hypocrisy"
© Alan Watt April 4, 2008

(Someone flicked a switch and voices turned to Donald Duck, again. Cleaned up as best as possible from backup tape. Don't blame me, quack, quack! All the best, Alan.)

(Articles: "Radical fine plan to boost election turnout" by James Lyons, Political Correspondent (mirror.co.uk) - Mar. 25, 2008.)
"Head teachers to get powers to 'stop and search' for drugs" by Greg Hurst, Political Correspondent, The Times - Mar. 28, 2008.)
"Management Futures: The World in 2018" --PDF File-- Chartered Management Institute - March 2008.)

Soviet Union - Democracy and Dictatorship - Mandatory Voting - Legality - Totalitarianism - Nationalist "Extremists" - Homeland Security. Coming Riots, Food Shortages, Warfare Strategy - British Department of Defence - Kyoto Agreement - Breaking Through Conditioning. Club of Rome, Collectivism - Margaret Thatcher, Parallel Government - Multi-Billionaire Club. 360 Degrees, Days - Serpent Eating its Tail - The Circle. Hurricane Katrina, Louisiana, Mass Migrations after Disasters - New Orleans Evacuation, FEMA - Showing Helplessness, Apathy. Alvin Toffler, "Future Shock" and "The Third Wave" books. Bertrand Russell - State Will Give New Culture and Morality - Children Mimic What They See. War on General Population - Compliant Public - Control and Monitoring.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - April 4, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

April 2, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt April 2, 2008:
"The New Age Teachers' Mandate, Teaching Universal Consciousness and the New Global Family" (Handkerchiefs supplied)
© Alan Watt April 2, 2008

(Article: "UK's first hybrid embryos created" by Fergus Walsh, Medical correspondent, BBC News (news.bbc.co.uk) - April 1, 2008.)

World Prison, Raids, Politically Correct Adaptation - Voluntary Searches - Bayer Drugs, Opium, Drugs for Weapons Trading - War on Drugs, Internal Armies. "Seeds of Compassion" meeting - Commutarianism - "Global Unity", Teacher Workshops, Youth Indoctrination. Human-Animal Hybrids - Genetic Research - Human Egg "Shortage". Advanced Technology - Remote Mind Control, Cell Phone Towers, Finland - "Flying Saucers". Police Recruitment from Military - Multi-Jurisdictional Task Forces - Training in Middle East. Ancient Migrations to Americas, Incas, Mustang Area of India, Phoenicians. Elite Plans for Space Travel, Mining - Real Agenda of NASA - "Experiments" in Space - Satellites. Jesus - Dogma of Religion - Benjamin Franklin - Use of Revelations as a Plan. Nephilim, Niflheim, Nordic Land of Dead - Mountain Cave Dwelling Priests. Cities, Riots - British Department of Defence projections - Stocking Up on Essentials. Freemasonry - Eastern Star - Advancement "Up the Ladder".
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - April 2, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

March 31, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt March 31, 2008:
"Raid of Things to Come - Invading Police Battalions Stir Hatred in London's Ethnic Communities"
© Alan Watt March 31, 2008

(Article: "Thousand police raid drug gangs in north London" dailymail.co.uk - March 27, 2008.)

Spaying in Skies, NASA: "Condensation Trails" - Long-Term Planning - Minimal Health Care - Building Projects, "The Builders" - Warfare, Conquering the Mind. British News, Sports, Hollywood, Surrealistic World, Mixing Horror with Trivia - News Reporters, Commentary - BBC, Eton, Promotion of "Anti-Establishment". Problem Creation, Police Force Armies, War on Drugs - "The French Connection", Marseilles - Immigration, Britain - Raids, Training Exercises for Future - Rapid Deployment. Manley P. Hall, High Freemasonry, Global Interdependence - Hall speech. Texas Toll Roads - Contract Deals, Corruption, Payoffs - Halliburton. European Military Amalgamation - Riots over Food - Plagues - Age of Chaos, Terrifying Victims - UK Department of Defence - Crop Diseases, Monsanto Seed, Africa, Iran. Nuclear Predictions, Disinfo - Mad Cow Disease - Deception, Big Lies - Gordon Brown - Plague Containment. Blue Lodge, 3 Degrees, York Rite, Scottish Rite - "Getting Up the Ladder" - 32nd Degree - Side Degrees - Religion Running the World. Destruction of Culture and History, Ireland - World Culture, Political Correctness. Noble Orders - Hidden Masters - Media Fronts.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - March 31, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

March 28, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt March 28, 2008:
"The Application of Apathy and Learned Helplessness for Guiding Society through a Post-Consumerist, Trans- and Post-Humanist Era"
© Alan Watt March 28, 2008

Your Orders (Books/CDs/DVDs) and Donations Keep Me (Alan) Going. "Philanthropic" Foundations, Merger of US and Soviet Systems, "The Third Way" - Scientific Dictatorship. Learned Helplessness - Martin Seligman, Classical Conditioning, Shocking Dogs - Apathy Creation, Depression - Optimists and Pessimists - Psychological Warfare. Eradication of Memory of Normalcy - Have Fun, Credit, Consumerism - Entertainment - New Scientific 'New World Order", Birth of New Goddess. Factories Moved to China, GATT Treaty. "War on Terror" - War Rooms - 100 Years War - Looting Countries. Composites of Indoctrination - Rule by Perception - Political Correctness, Sameness, "Sanity". Righteous Indignation - Not Losing Temper - Riots in Streets - Forced Mass Movements, Refugees. Aerial Spraying of Metallic Particles, "Walking Antennas", HAARP Technology. Heavy Metal Era, Satanism, Drug Experimentation - Anton Lavey - MKUltra. Spanish Flu, Military Troops - Construction of Viruses - Soviet Union's Use of Phagocytes.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - March 28, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

March 26, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt March 26, 2008:
"Zimbardo Experimented to Drive Men Demented - Stanford University Psychological Department's Involvement in Role Playing Predictability for Master-Slave Situations"
© Alan Watt March 26, 2008

Cyber War, Joint Exercises, Networking - New Field of Warfare - Secret Services. Compliance - "The Experiment" - Mock Prisons, Prisoners and Guards, Sadism - Understanding of Human Nature. 1971 Stanford University Prison Experiment, Philip Zimbardo, Stanley Milgram - Disorientation, Depersonalization, De-individuation - Adaptation to Roles, Obedience to Authority. Divide and Conquer - Delphi Technique - Psychological Conditioning - Situations Controlling Human Behaviour - Worldwide Crisis Creation. Dehumanization - Numbers--Not People - Predictability for Total Control - Government Infiltration of Websites. Aerosol Spraying, Drugging - Prozac, Valium - Sedation of Public. Subconscious Alteration, Desensitization. Bahai Religion, United Nations - International Brotherhood - Sikhs. Jesuits, Intelligence Services. Puppet Masters, Old Families.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - March 26, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

March 24, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt March 24, 2008:
"Major Moves on Minors - Government Wants Predictability for Totalitarian Society"
© Alan Watt March 24, 2008

(Article: "DNA database plans for children who 'could become criminals' " by Simon Johnson (telegraph.co.uk) - March 18, 2008.)

(Article: "Cellphones to keep track of your purchases -- and you" by David Lazarus (latimes.com) - March 16, 2008.)

New Feudal Order - Democracy, Lobby Groups - CEO Feudal Overlords - Agri-Food Business - Warfare. Scientific Dictatorship, Social Darwinism - Eugenics, Commoners, "Junk Genes" - Population Reduction - Vaccines, Cancer Viruses, Diseases. Brzezinski, "Technetronic Era" - Teller, Aerial Spraying, ELF, Mood Alteration - Psychopathic Genes - Plato, Selective Breeding - Skull Measurements. Pre-Arrest, "Potential" Criminals - DNA Databases. Cell Phone Addiction, Incessant Chatter - Tracking You - Electronic Wallets - RFID - Computer to Cell Phone to Brain Chip - Selling Souls for Convenience. Delphi Technique - Dynamic Leaders, Hypnosis, Persuasion - "Plants" in Public Meetings - Dialogue to Consensus - Logic, Psychology - Watershed Bills - Group-Think. Mental State of Apathy, Constant Repetition of News - Bertrand Russell - New Normals - New Autism, Effects of Mercury, Attack on Brain, Inoculations, IQ Drop. Crisis in Food Industry, "Wheat Shortage", Soaring Prices, Food as Weapon.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - March 24, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

March 21, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt March 21, 2008:
"One King's Utopia is a Peasantry's Hell - It's All a Matter of Perception"
© Alan Watt March 21, 2008

(Articles: "Brown unveils security strategy" news.bbc.co.uk - Mar. 19, 2008.)
"In full: Brown security statement" news.bbc.co.uk - Mar. 19, 2008.)
"A Good Name Dragged Down" by Ellen Nakashima (washingtonpost.com) - Mar. 19, 2008.)

Purpose of United States - United Nations, World Government, Regions, Governance. Britain, Population Reduction, King George VI, Henry Kissinger - Inoculations, Weakened Immune Systems. Permits to Travel - Britain, Gordon Brown, Coming Plague, Portable Mortuaries and Crematoriums, Civilian Internal Armies, Militia, Reserves. Post-911 Bills, Terror, Massive Changes - Destruction of Old System to Bring in New - "Watch Lists". Elite - "The Olympians", Mount Olympus - What is a "god"? - Science Research, Physical Immortality - "Ninth Gate" movie, Fire, Light of Lucifer - Evil as a Force - Psychopaths. Compliance of Public, Cannot Claim Ignorance - Hellish Agenda - Gene Pool to Breed Hybrid Human Slaves. Religion - Faith vs. Experience - Advanced Sciences - Control of "Nature", Understanding of Human Nature - Decisions. Perfect Indoctrination - Thinking Beyond Given Culture, Standing Up - Subservient Training, Immaturity, Infantile Adulthood, Perpetual Childhood. Elimination of Private Transportation - Habitat Area Containment. Heirloom Seeds, Organic Industry - Modified Food, Canada. New Age Movement, London, Tailor-made for Ego, Hedonism - Voice-to-skull Technology, "Experiences".
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - March 21, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

March 19, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt March 19, 2008:
"Bring on the Clown as We All Go Down,
Absolutism Prevails as We All Chase Tails,
Delilah Dances the Full Seven Veils,
The Fiction Man Drowns,
Bring on the Clowns"
© Alan Watt March 19, 2008

Planetary Standardization - Lie of Democracy - Communism, Russia - China (UN Model State), One-Child Policy - New Parliament of the World - United States, World Federation. Entertainment, Fictitious Reality, "Perfection" on Screen, TV Emulation. "Independent" Bankers, Falling Economies - What Corporations Own - Food Supply, Alteration, Food as Weapon - Canada, Genetically Modified Food - Brahmins, India, Restricted Diet. Humans Created from Scratch, yet No Cure for Cancer - "Human" isn't Good Enough - Post-Humanism - Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World". Human Genome Project, Owning Your DNA, Right to Reproduce, Slavery - Registering Children, Property of Government. Old Game of Statistics - "Lies, Damn Lies, Statistics" - Unemployment - Adoption of Norms - Regaining Individual Sovereignty. Thomas Jefferson: Born into Debt de facto Slaves. "Richest People in the World" - Royalty - Perception Distortion - Front People, Bill Gates (I Am Will of Gatekeeper) - Guise of Charity, Philanthropy. "Let the Good Times Roll" - Paupers and Slaves - More's "Utopia" - Plato - Futurist Societies. Nonexistence - Not Giving Up Now, Going Further.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - March 19, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

March 17, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt March 17, 2008:
"Look Out This Year, They're Going High Gear - Prices will Rise, Bringing Disorder, Then Troops will Cross the Border"
© Alan Watt March 17, 2008

(Article: "MI5 seeks powers to trawl records in new terror hunt" by Gaby Hinsliff, political editor, The Observer (guardian.co.uk) - March 16, 2008.)

Re-Introduced Ancient Techniques of Warfare - Institutions, Education, Entertainment - Censorship Bureaus, "Pushing the Envelope", Debasement. New World Order Tyranny - "War on Terror", Everyone is Potential Terrorist, Anti-Terrorism Laws, "Suspicious Behaviour" - Interdependence - "Cyber War". Cell-Phone Data Collection, Personality Profiles, Predictable Movements. Aldous Huxley's Lecture at Berkeley, Wires in Brain, Tavistock Institute - Drugs, Altered States - Timothy Leary, CIA, Drug Culture. Milestones of Man and Woman - Manipulation of Drives - Imagination, Implanted Image - Hardened Culture, Cities. Oil in Kosovo, Heroin Trade - Plundering of Planet - Resources Owned by International Corporations. Orwell's "1984", Bureaucratic Mindset. Denial of Perceptions - Conditioning, Downloading from Media - Education vs. Intellect. North American Integration, "Closer Ties", Fortress America - Integrated Armies. World War II, King George, Depopulation - Kissinger - "Enemy of Overpopulation". Money System, City Structure, Rulers, Armies. Royal Institute for International Affairs - Far East Region, Japan, Australia, China.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - March 17, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

March 14, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt March 14, 2008:
"Critical Thinkers are Residual
In the War to Eradicate the Individual"
© Alan Watt March 14, 2008

Management, New Feudal System, High Bureaucracy - Crowded Cities, Science Fiction, Futurist Society. Alan's "Shameless Plug"--Available Materials, Donations to Keep Going. Movement off the Road - Agenda 21 - United Nations: Front for World Government. Masonic 33rd Degree - "The Great Work" - Mind Control, Deprogramming - Branches of Freemasonry - Helping a "Brother" - Noble Orders - Police - Buckingham Palace. Bertrand Russell, Scientific Indoctrination - Home-Schooling Law - Parenting, Educating Children - Common Culture, Hollywood - "Governance" - Daniel Webster. Reece Commission, Norman Dodd - Blending of US and Soviet Systems - Eleanor Roosevelt, Pavlov. History of "Protocols" - Russia - Revolutionary Movements - Young Turks, Young Italians, Young Zionist League - Use of Persecution to create Rebellion - Bernard Baruch. European Royalty, Prussia, Germany, Science - Experimental Schools - Authority Figures. "Cancers" from California. Human Potential Movement - New Age Movement, No Tolerance of Different Opinion.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - March 14, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

March 12, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt March 12, 2008:
"New Age Dreaming Turns to Greening, a Hundred Years of Plotting and Scheming"
© Alan Watt March 12, 2008

"Some are more equal than others in such utopias"--George Orwell

Rising Oil Prices, Crisis, China, Rumsfeld - CBC National, Greening Program - "Green" Indoctrination. Planned Society, Habitat Areas, Population Reduction - Creation of New Religion, "Following the Stars", New Age Movement - Transhumanism, "Perfection", Hinduism, Theosophy - "Logan's Run" movie. Carl Jung, Paranormal Experiences, Drugs. Politicians' "Fringe Benefits", High-Class Prostitution. Hitler, Charismatic Gestures, Oration, Swaying Audiences. Economics, Politicians, Lobbyists, Fascism - Free Trade - Empires - I.G. Farben, Natzi War Machine - CIA, CEOs, International Corporations. Chess Game Setup, Dependence on System - Organized Groups - New Way of Living, Philosophical Debate. New York, Music, Heavy Beats, Rock, Bass - Surrealistic State - Fashions - Hypocrisy - Age Segregation, Future (Managed) Rebellions.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - March 12, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

March 10, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt March 10, 2008:
"Dabbling Darwin and the "Old Boys' " New World Order - All the World's a Stage and We are but the Audience"
© Alan Watt March 10, 2008

(Book: "The Next Million Years" by Charles Galton Darwin.)

Destruction of Normal and Old World - Society In Flux - Acceptance of New Humans, Artificial Intelligence - Eugenics Program - Drop in Fertility Rate. Waking Up, Looking at Robots around You - Scientific Indoctrination, Lord Bertrand Russell - CIA, MI6, Culture Industry. Hereditary Traits, Inbreeding - Moral Relativism, New Norms - Cities, Nimrod, Money, City-States - Great Depression, Rural Movement to Cities. New Age Religion, Uniformity, Limited Choices - Marketing towards Women. World Trading Regions, Provinces - Real Function of Government - Coercion - UN Department of Agriculture. Ancient International Corporations, "Combines" - Sumer Priesthoods, Trading, Bahrain, India - Phoenicians, Money Lending, Debt, Empires, Slave Armies. Standardized World Culture, United Nations. Forms of Genocide - Forbidden Gaelic in Scotland, Highland Clearances - Anglican Church Abuse of Canadian Indians. Con Games - Moon Landing - Domed Cities, Future Habitat Areas, New Toronto. More Sophisticated Form of Slavery - Believing You are Free - Taxed Labor. "Cutting Through" Books by Alan Watt and MP3 CDs.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - March 10, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

March 7, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt March 7, 2008:
Pulling the Plug on Health Care -
"When Doctor God gives the Nod
They'll Pull the Plug You Low-life Lug
You Can Wail and Be Demanding
Though It All Boils Down to Social Standing"
© Alan Watt March 7, 2008

(Article: "Brazen new world" by Avi Shafran, Jerusalem Post (jpost.com) - Mar. 5, 2008.)

(Article: "Carbon tax puts B.C. 'out in front'" Lindsay Kines and Jeff Rud, Times Colonist (on canada.com) - Feb. 20, 2008.)

Oblivion to Tyranny - Wars over Privacy. British National Health Service - "Tagged" Patients according to "Standing", Resuscitation Rights - Waiting Lists. Manitoba, Canada - Destruction of Old System, State gives Values - Eugenics - Worth of Human Life - Medical Infallibility - Euthanasia, Termination. New Computers, Shared Computer Data (with Intelligence Services) - "The Bait" - "Convenience". United Nations, World Government - British Columbia Carbon Tax on Fuels - Taxing You to "Save the Planet" - Environmental Groups. Troglodytes, Cave-Dwellers - "First Great Builders" - "Indiana Jones" movie - Ethiopia, Churches in Mountains - Custom of Killing 40-Year-Olds - Hurrians, Aryans, Horites. Ancient Mythology - Tribe of Manasseh and Mountain-Dwellers - Northern India, Brahmans - Mount Ararat - Tacitus, Druids - Greek Legends, Mt. Parnassus. "Aliens" and "Greys" - Tesserated Chessboard, Black and White Squares - Masonic "Grey Men". Knowing the Past and the Agenda - British Empire, Poverty, Elite in London, Price and Wage Fixing. Ancient Religions, Systems, Forms of Slavery - Priests - Roman Slavery - Charles Galton Darwin. Gnosticism - Kabbalah, Egyptian Book of the Dead - Numerology, Chaldean - Sacred Names and Numbers of God - Coding - Later Gnostic Groups, Separation of Male and Female. "Lord of the World", Demiurgos, Jehovah - Creator Deity - Paganism, "Godhood".
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - March 7, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

March 5, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt March 5, 2008:
"Kooks and Spooks Codifying Normative Behaviour in Virtual Worlds - The New Make-Work Project for Jaded Security Staff"
© Alan Watt March 5, 2008

(Article: "US seeks terrorists in web worlds" by Chris Vallance (news.bbc.co.uk) - March 3, 2008.)

Public-Private Partnerships, Road "Sanding", Profit, Corruption. 9-11, New American Century, Years of Planning - Intelligence Agencies, Covert Operations, Cold War, Postal Mail Reading. Make-Work Projects for Retired "Spooks" (Spies) - Terrorism. Virtual Worlds, Fantasy Life - Categories of "Normal", "Suspicious Behavior" - Observational Studies - Brain Chip. Al-Qaeda, CIA - Russians in Afghanistan. "Jihad" Sting Operations. War Video Games, Media, Entertainment, Culture. Psychopathic Type, Personality Disorder - Homeless People - Streetwise Characters - Paranoid Schizophrenics, Pentagon, John Nash. "America B.C." book by Barry Fell - Pyramids in Algonquin Park (Canada) with Egyptian Writing - Cocaine found in Mummy - Phoenicians, Tin Trade, Gravestones in Scotland. Peru, Standing Stones - "Pre-History" - Pre-Christian Roman Invasion of Britain - Shamanism, Perennial Religion, "Becoming a God", Great Delusion. French Revolution, Debasement of Society, Destruction of Morality - Conglomeration of Psychopaths - Interbreeding - Grovelling to Riches. Troglodytes (Greek), Horites (Roman), Manasseh, Tribes.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - March 5, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

March 3, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt March 3, 2008:
"Global Interdependence - The New Definition of Slavery"
© Alan Watt March 3, 2008

News Headlines, Predictive Programming - Old "New World Order" - Eugenics, Mating - Class Segregation, "Servile" Masses, Serf Class, "Villains". Knowledge is Power, Kept from Public - Britain - End of Cold War - New Balance of Power - Bogeymen, Enemies Within, Terrorism. "Political Correctness" and "Anti-Government" (terms from Soviet Union). Patented Life and Seeds - Human Genome Project - Permission to Breed. Drawstring being Pulled on the Net--Now - Militarization, Depopulation, Eradication of Inferior Types, No Health Care - Camera Scanning. New Age Religion, No Tolerance of Differing Opinions - Ignore "Negative", Be "Happy". Intensive Farming, Genetic Modification, Depleted Soils. "Order out of Chaos" - Eradication of All That Was - "Censorship" Committees. United Nations Soldiers - Woodrow Wilson, World Government. Fall of Greece - "Godhood" - End of an Age - Retention of Consciousness, Memory, Humanity. Egosyntonic Behaviour - Do You REALLY Want the Truth? Chinese Medicine. Fasting. "Interdependent" World - Punishment, Conformity - Credits - Margaret Thatcher, Falklands War. Culture Creation Industry - CIA-Authorized Writers, Novelists and Poets - Hollywood - Historical Novels - Implanted Thoughts.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - March 3, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Feb. 29, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Feb. 29, 2008:
"Planning for Planetary Interrogation - Cradle to Grave for Perfect Slave"
© Alan Watt Feb. 29, 2008

"Government wants personal details of every traveller" by Ian Traynor (guardian.co.uk) - Feb. 23, 2008.)
"New police anti-extremist strategy" Press Assoc. - Feb. 28, 2008.)
"Food shortages loom as wheat crop shrinks and prices rise" by Jonathan Leake, The Sunday Times - Feb. 24, 2008.)

Keeping Up with Real News - Laws, War for Brave New World - Complacent Population - "Alive" Ones - Make-Work Projects, Spies, Paranoia - Soviet System. Gorbachev's speech to Politburo - Communism merger with Capitalism - Cold War - Lenin, Dictatorship of (over) Proletariat - Fascist Elite. EU Gathering Travellers' Personal Data - Everyone is "Suspect" - New Enemies, Perpetual War, 9-11, Draconian Measures - Orwell's "1984", Ministry of Love, Thought-Criminals. Psychological Experiments - Robbery Scenario - Perceptions - "Bad Guys" Everywhere. Purpose-Made Ideal-Design (ID) Humans. International Police Chiefs Association - "Anti-Extremist Agenda" - School Monitoring, Testing - "Neighborhood Profiling", "Normal" Behaviour. War of Terror - Black Plagues, Pillaging, Chaos - Old Age Passing - Industrial Revolution, Factories, Corn Laws. Royal Institute for International Affairs. UN Takeover of World Food Supply, Food Quotas - Vegetarian World, Alvin Toffler - Privatization, Rising Prices. Experts Guiding Sheep to "New Pasture" - Marketing, Advertising, Brand Names - Great Depression, Billboards - Implantable Microchip, "Snob Appeal". "Democracy", Demolition of All Competition - Group Belonging - Lobbying Corporations. Alexander Hamilton - Royal Families, Dynasties - Bureaucrats. World War I, II, III - UN over Entire Planet - H.G. Wells. Soviet (Bolshevik) Union, Financed by Western Banks. Pharma-Business, Mandatory Vaccines - New York City, Homeland Security, Immunization.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Feb. 29, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Feb. 27, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Feb. 27, 2008:
"Pupils Properly Parroting Predictive Programming - Well, What Else?"
© Alan Watt Feb. 27, 2008

(Article: "Facebook can ruin your life. And so can MySpace, Bebo..." - Feb. 10, 2008.)

(Article: "Get ready, here comes Generation Z" by Annalise Walliker, article from Herald Sun (on news.com.au) - Feb. 25, 2008.)

Global Governance - Totally Controlled Society - Understanding of Human Behaviour - Online Social Networking, MySpace, Facebook, Monitoring "Private" Websites. "World Without Secrets" - Social Approval and Disapproval, New Normals, Adaptation - Composites of Indoctrination. "Democracy" - Public-Private Partnerships - Lobbyists - United States - Taking Away Freedoms for "Safety" and "Security". Albert Pike, Freemasonry, Revolutionary Societies, Trotsky - Elitism, Eugenics, Breeding. Intelligence vs. Educability - Parrots. Generation Z - Adaptation to Technology, Terrorism, Climate Change. Population Reduction, the "Unfit", Hitler, Blavatsky - Natziism Philosophy (International), Science - George Bernard Shaw - Eugenics, "Inferior Types". Margaret Thatcher, British Health Care, Class System - Medical Studies, Paid Volunteers - "Acres of Skin" book by Allen Hornblum. Corporations, Psychiatry, Pharmaceuticals, Control - Pill for Everything - Commercialized Society, Advertising, Actors in Ads - Inoculations, Flu Shot.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Feb. 27, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Feb. 25, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Feb. 25, 2008:
"Weather Warfare or Climate Change - Watt's the Answer?"
© Alan Watt Feb. 25, 2008


Levels of Reality, Academia, Science, Technology - Living in Past, Obsolete Technology - Economics and Efficiency - Homeland Security, Children's Toys. Climate Manipulation, HAARP, Weather Warfare, US Military, ELF, Strategic Defense Initiative - Affecting Moods - Sprayed Skies, Metallic Particles, Teller. School Fights, Bullies, the "Winner" - Procedure of Enslavement - Understanding the Bad News - United States, Memory of What Freedom is Supposed to Be. Electronic Toys, Cell-Phones, Monitoring. Individual's Right to Live - Freedoms taken under Guise of "Security". John Birch Society, Fundraising - Institutions, Groups - Counter-Intelligence, Discrediting Truth - Patriot Business - "The Good Shepherd" movie - Britain - Mixing Fact with Fiction. Habitat Areas, Movement from Coastal Areas - Long-term Agenda, Foundations, NGOs, "1000 Points of Light". Worldwide HAARP, Use in Gulf War (caused hallucinations) - Tesla - Electricity, Lightning Testing - Scalar, Radio Waves.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Feb. 25, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Feb. 22, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Feb. 22, 2008:
"Tattooed Telephone for Compulsive Tattlers - Touch-Skin Programming for Programmable People"
© Alan Watt Feb. 22, 2008

(Link: "Digital Tattoo Interface" Jim Mielke, Core77's Greener Gadgets Design Competition 2008 (core77.com).

Patriot Radio, Talk - Politics, Voting - Commerce - Making a Difference, Getting out of "the Loop". Canada, British Commonwealth - Lord Conrad Black, Hollinger - Media Barons - Moneybags, Dominant Minority, Psychopathic Dynasty - Rothschilds, Bank of England. Europe, Catholic Church, Charlemagne - Money, Religions, Royalty - Sumer, Priesthoods - Phoenicians (Canaanites), Greece, Trapezi, Debt and Standing Armies. World Standardization, Takeover - World Empire - United Nations. Pets, "Companion Animals", Robotics, Animal Rights - Dog Seizure - Veterinarians, Checkups, Shots. Age of Control Freak - Fees, Licensing - Slavery. Nashville, (10) Tennessee, Occultic Symbols, D.C. (ten), Mason-Dixon Line, Nash (serpent) - Obelisk over Water. Royal Society, Isaac Newton. Computer Language, Logic - Programming, Predetermined Conclusions - Electricity, Trick of the Elect. Jesse James, Robbing for "The Great Work". Chemtrails, Spraying above Clouds, Rain - Night Spraying.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Feb. 22, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Feb. 20, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Feb. 20, 2008:
"Helmets for Hell-Mutts - No Pain Game for Interfacing Your Brain"
© Alan Watt Feb. 20, 2008

(Article: "Brain control headset for gamers" by Darren Waters, Technology editor, BBC News (news.bbc.co.uk) - Feb. 20, 2008.)

Total Information Network, NSA, Information Collection, Profiles - Data, Programming, Science Fiction - "Always Learning, Never Knowing". Tax Money, Racketeering, Corporations - Con Game of Money - 21st Century Prison Camp - Satellite Control, ID Cards - Giving Up Freedom for "Security". Polls and Statistics to Convince Public, The Collective. "Blue Thunder" movie and Helicopter, Privacy Invasion, Martial Law, Surveillance. Good Shepherds - Colors of Sun, Royal Purple, Red Carpet - Legal System, Black. Computer "Helmets", Reading Brain Electrical Activity, EEG, Interfacing and Transmission. Military-Industrial Complex Technology - Reading Mind, Fight of Flight, Creation of Responses, Mind Control. Shamanism, Esoteric Schools, Hindu Philosophy wrapped into Rehashed Books - Hypnosis, Inability to tell Fact from Fiction - Want of Personal Power - Self-Destruction. Coming Pandemics, Containment - Simulations - Released Plague - Migrations - Training for Inoculations. Aluminum in Brain, Alzheimer's. Profit off Sheep - Pharmaceutical Drugs, Physical Addiction. Obedience to Authority - Mass-Man, Followers. Surrealistic Moments - Gestalt Experiences. Birth Control Devices - Synthetic Contraceptives, Hormonal Changes. Selling Soul for Convenience - Brain Chip. Stock Market Monkey Story - Robber Barons, Bank Crashes - George Soros' Crash of British Economy.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Feb. 20, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Feb. 18, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Feb. 18, 2008:
"Governance by Conology and Coercive Perception Validation"
© Alan Watt Feb. 18, 2008

Heavy Aerial Spraying, Intensified Heat, Metallic Particles - "Global Warming", New Enemies, War to Save Planet. Psychopathy, Inbred Elite, Economic System - The Masses, Mass Man, Psychology - Carl Jung - Sheep and Shepherds, Group Conformity - Socialism. Colors, Spectrum of Rainbow, Symbolism - Red, Green - Orange Lodge, House of Orange - Black, Brown, Fascism. Private Schools - Home Schooling - Masonic Lodges - Education, Moral Responsibility, Integrity - Schooling, Moral Relativity, Scientific Indoctrination. Algebra, Abstract Concepts, Perception, Adaptation, Mathematics - Molding Minds - Masonic Degrees, 40th, "Weeding Out" Streetwise - Psychopathic Cons. Good and Evil - "Exorcist 3" movie - Armies, Slaughter - Rwandan Massacre - New Age Philosophy of Relativity - Conscience. Separate Food Supply of Elite (unmodified). Freemasonic System of Education, Grading - Hod Hat and Tassel, Stamp of Approval - Mocking "Profane". Political Mantras, Slogans - "Four Legs Good, Two Legs Bad" - "Just Do It", "Change is Good" - Repetition, Induced Beliefs. Canadian "Family Day" (same as U.S. President's Day.) - Preparation for Merger - Centralization of Power - Albert Pike, League of Just Men.
(Book: "The Undiscovered Self" by Carl Jung.)

* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Feb. 18, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

(Link to US Code: "50 USC CHAPTER 32 - CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL WARFARE PROGRAM 01/02/2006" See title 50, chapter 32, subsection 1520a, paragraph b.)

(Link to Patent: Stratospheric Welsbach seeding for reduction of global warming
http://patft.uspto.gov/netahtml/PTO/srchnum.htm --Then type in 5003186 for search.)

Feb. 15, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Feb. 15, 2008:
"Parting with Privacy and the New Social Paradigm"
© Alan Watt Feb. 15, 2008

(Note: Live show telephone voice distortion caused by U.S. phone lines. This rendition has been cleaned up as best as possible for vocal quality.)

(Article: "In Cyberspace, Everyone Can Hear You Scream" by Marc Fisher, Washington Post - Jan. 24, 2008; Page B01.)
(Book: "In the Minds of Men: Darwin and the New World Order" by Ian Taylor.)

Eugenics - Australia, Electronic Male Sterilization - Top-Down Culture Creation, Solutions - Population Reduction of "Useless Eaters". Data Collection by World Authority - "Cell-Phone Generation", "Digital" Children - Disappearance of Privacy Boundaries, "Nothing to Hide", Tyrant's Dream - Survival Mechanisms. Telephone Voice Distortion - NSA, Telecommunication Routing - Censoring - Social Approval and Disapproval. Hermann Hesse - New Age Writing - Predictive Programming - Travelling Theatres, Ancient Greece - Star Trek series, Galactic Federation, Free Trade, Cyborgs. School Shooters, Psychiatric Drugs, Columbine. 9-11, New American Century Agenda - Catastrophes, Group Movements - Concentrating on Facts - Organizations "Speaking for You", Following the "Stars". War Over Our Heads - Daily Aerial Spraying, Muscle Cramps, Skin, Bronchial Problems - Weather Modification - US Air Force - China.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Feb. 15, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Feb. 13, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Feb. 13, 2008:
"Government's New Animal Husbandry Project = Lifelong Identification of Their Human Collateral"
© Alan Watt Feb. 13, 2008

(Article: "Every pupil to be numbered and kept on Government database FOR LIFE" by Daniel Bates, Daily Mail (dailymail.co.uk) - Feb. 13, 2008.)

Glut of Entertainment - Sameness - Individuals - Age of Mass-Man, New Supercities - Demons of Old, Legion, "We're All One". Microchipped Soldiers - VeriChip - Chips, Branded Animals, Data Collection, Tracking - Numbering Schoolchildren, Britain - Fake Opposition. Scientific Dictatorship - Oligarchy - Serving World State, Efficient Workers. Tattoos, Vaccination, Skin Circuitry - Smallpox Inoculation - "Trendy" Circuit Boards - NATO emblem. Music, Lyrics of Elton John. Police Ticket Quotas, Income, Harassment - Law Enforcement Industry. Banking, Money Games and Cons. Internet, Double-Edged Sword, Information War for the Mind - Fighting for Parts of the Cause - Lenin, Organizations, Rounding Up Members - Bo Gritz. Choices - Predestination, Demiurgos - Empathy for Others. Freemasonry, Religion of the World - Lodges in India. Levitation, Paranormal Experiences, Cult Involvement - Seeing in Mind's Eye - Taking on Entities, Rituals, Perfect Possession, Malachi Martin. Patriot Radio - Ron Paul - "Lone Gunman", American Mentality, Hollywood Scripting - Fronts - Business - Political Correctness.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Feb. 13, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Feb. 11, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Feb. 11, 2008:
"Moral Relativity and Directed Human Degradation = No Fun Value? = No Purpose"
© Alan Watt Feb. 11, 2008

(Article: "China to issue RFID embedded ID cards" by Daniel Taylor, Old-thinker news (oldthinkernews.com) - August 11, 2007.)
(Article: "Intersecting Human Rights Crises: Organ Transplantation and Organ Trafficking" by Ana Lita, Ph.D., Director, IHEU-Appignani Center for Bioethics (en.epochtimes.com) - Feb. 9, 2008.)

Moral Relativism, Political Correctness, Good or Bad: "Human Judgement" - Road of "Progress" - Young Minds, Indoctrination, Plato's Cave. Mouth of Hell - Torture, Sacrificial Lambs, Guantanamo Bay - Cold War, Show Trials, Confessions. CIA, Culture Creation, Music, Hermaphroditic Figure. Economics, Time, Debt - Study of Human Behaviour - New Normals - Teenage Years, Manipulation. United Nations, World Government, China (UN Model State) - RFID ID Cards, Black Uniforms. TV, Sex, Trivia, Mind Control, Predictive Programming. Advertising, "Change is Good", Creation of Flux in Culture - Disconnection with Past, Disassociation. Aerial Spraying, Mood Changes, Tranquilizer Withdrawal Symptoms. Human Organ Trafficking and Transplants, China, Falun Gong. Price of Human Life - NGO Front Groups, Promotion of "Radical Change", Government Funding to Lobby. Disarmament of Civilians (including U.S.) - Build-up of Internal Forces - War Protests. New Age based on Hinduism - Enslaved Countries - 1000 Names of Isis - Channelling, Looking Away from "Unpleasant", Disassociative States. Psychopathy, Psychopathic Culture, Traits.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Feb. 11, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Feb. 8, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Feb. 8, 2008:
"Technique of Intergenerational Reality Alteration and Guidance -
(a) I Know, (b) That's Possible, (c) I'm Now Unsure, (d) What's Everyone Thinking? (e) I'll Follow Them."
© Alan Watt Feb. 8, 2008

(Article: "Life is one big computer game" Metro (metro.co.uk) - Feb. 5, 2008.)

(Article: "Exclusive! The FBI Deputizes Business" by Matthew Rothschild, The Progressive Magazine (at zmag.org) - February 7, 2008.)

How Far Back this Agenda Goes - Computers, Reel-to-reel Machines, Microcircuitry - Re-Conditioning, Upgrading, Propaganda. Disassociative States, Eastern Religions - Virtual World Simulations - Internet Addiction, Surveillance. Cold War, Technology, Corporate Financing, Military-Industrial Complex - "Competition" - Repetition to Reinforce the Lie - Intelligence Agencies - Zbigniew Brzezinski. Use of Religion to Control Social Order - Orthodox Religion, Status Quo, Middle Class, Peasant Class - Industrial Revolution, Employment. Foundations, Think Tanks, Royal Charters (Crown-Approved) - Post-Industrial Era, Leisure for the Masses - Penny Books, Novels, Bawdy Acts. Hinduism, Brahma, Surrealism - Buddhism - Mikhail Gorbachev, New Religion based on Earth Worship - Disassociation, Mind Control, Brainwashing - Jacques Ellul. Police, Intelligence Gathering, Gossip - Freemasonry, Eastern Star, Information Collection - RCMP (set up as Para-Military Organization) - FBI, Centralization of Power, Marx's telegraph to Lincoln. Predictive Programming, Altering and Distorting Perceptions - Destruction of Family, Separation of Generations - Marketing, Manipulating Herd - Religion Shoppers - New Age Magazine.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Feb. 8, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Feb. 6, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Feb. 6, 2008:
"Cain Eve be Abel to Reproduce Stable? -
Second Genesis for Approved New Adam Mark II"
© Alan Watt Feb. 6, 2008

(Articles: "Embryos Created With DNA From 3 People" by Maria Cheng, AP Medical Writer - Feb. 6, 2008.
"Three parents produce one embryo" by Deborah Smith Science Editor, Sidney Morning Herald (smh.com.au) - Feb. 6, 2008.
"Scientists use tattoo needle to deliver HPV vaccine" by Mark Baard - Feb. 6, 2008. )

Organizations that Run the System - "Open Conspiracy" book by H. G. Wells - Utopia, Global Society, Abolition of Private Property. Astor Family, Anglo-American Establishment, Natural Aristocracy, Global Management - Lady Astor - Julian and Sir Thomas Huxley, Darwinism, Evolution, Science. Futurist Society, Genetic Enhancement - Genetic Modification, Replaced "Defective" Genes - Personality Types, Individuality. Functions of Charity Front Organizations - Re-Engineering Humans - Drugs for Schoolchildren. "Primary" Distraction - Lone Gunman rides into Town - Fake World - Open Debate in Public Forum - Floating through Changes, Adaptation - "Me" Generation. United Nations, Bureaucracy, Real Government, NGOs. Waking Up - Illusions, Diversions, Fronts. Computer-Interfaced Borg World. NSA Monitoring, Internet, Communications - London License Plate Scans - Black-Clad Uniformed Men - "Terrorism" and "Potential Terrorists". Mexico, Mexicans - U.S. La-la Land - Brzezinski: Public Expects Media to do their Thinking - "1984" of George Orwell - TV Hypnosis. Bloody History, Queen Victoria, Bloody Mary, Ancient Tradition - Left and Right Wings of Same Bird - Hillary Clinton - Waco, Texas, Janet Reno - Occult Significance - Female Rulers. Bisphenol-A, Plastics, Xenoestrogen - Monsanto Experiments - Baby Bottles, Hormonal Alteration - Population Reduction, Sterility. Chile as Breadbasket, NAFTA, Infrastructure financed by U.S., Canada. Ireland, Russian Mob.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Feb. 6, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Feb. 4, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Feb. 4, 2008:
"Mystery of Mastery, the Devilish Dream
Seed of Psychopaths pass on their Gene
Deviants Rise, Convention must Fall
World is the Prize, the Booty is All"

Definition of Deviant = The World is Not Enough
© Alan Watt Feb. 4, 2008

Waking Up - Sharing Information - Those Who Want to Save this System. Long-term Plan, League of Nations, World War I (The Great War) - Journalists, Foundations, Royal Charters. Darwinism, "Survival of the Fittest", Natural Aristocracy, Intelligentsia. Gold, Money, Replacement of Barter - Diamonds, "Precious" Stones, Jewels, Rhodes, Rhodesia, African Exploitation - "Trade Practice". Greed, Avarice, Aberrant System - Psychopathy, Power over Others - Commerce, Stock Exchange - Myths of Economics. Institutions - Democracy, Right to Vote (the only right) - Terrorism, Thought-Crime. IBM (Eye-Beam), HAL, "2001" - Computer Interfacing, Virtual Reality - Masonic Lodges, Mayors, Self-Benefit. UN Earth Charter, Maurice Strong, Trick of the Wolf. Brain Chip - Military-Industrial Complex. American Civil War, Bankers, Kuhn-Loeb, Morgan - Industrial North, Corporate Takeover - Families of Mayflower. "Green-Collar" Jobs - Collar: Binds You by the Neck - "Tied to Your Job" - Sacred Green Color. Factions, Creation of Dissention, Government Operatives - Ernst Zundel, Hate Laws of Canada, Grant Bristow (CSIS), Jewish Harassment. Independent "Primitive" Peoples, "Arrested Civilizations" slated for Extinction - John Stewart Mill, Eugenics Extermination - Plato's "Republic" - Interdependence - American Indians. Hinduism, Freemasonry - Previous Ages - Stars, Constellations - "Waves of Time". Australian "Plug" Device for Male Sperm - "Overpopulation" - China, UN Model State, One-child Policy.
(Book: "The Robber Barons: The Great American Capitalists 1861-1901" by Matthew Josephson).

* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Feb. 4, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Feb. 1, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Feb. 1, 2008:
"High Priests of Piracy (Cons-Piracy) Conspire in a Hundred Years War"
© Alan Watt Feb. 1, 2008

September 11, 2007 - 100 Years War - Brave New World - Breeding for Specific Tasks - Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars. H. G. Wells' "Open Conspiracy" book - Front-Men Politicians - CIA, MI6, Black-Operations - Internationalists - Aerial Spraying, Chronic Fatigue, Bronchitis, Asthma. Organized Religions, Rome, Persia, Mithraism, Old Gods - Voodoo, Catholicism - Deities of Zoroastrianism - Jehovah, Jesus - Zoroaster, Ahriman, Ahura-Mazda. Declassified Information - Conditioned Matrix - Serfdom, Slavery - Race Card - Psychopath Behaviour - Stock Market, Investments, Old Families. Mass Exodus of American and Canadian Industry - Corporate Trucking Lines - NAFTA, Pollution Standards. Bible, Old Testament, Rules of System, Dialectic, New Testament - Plato's Cave. Arthur C. Clarke's "2001", "2010", "3001" - ISS International Space Station: "Mansion in the Sky". Wells, Fabian Society, Population Reduction, Abolition of Marriage, Sir Thomas Huxley. Patriot Radio, CIA, Christian Front Groups. Blessings of Jacob, Craftiness - Sacrifices, Burnt Offerings - "God of the World".
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Feb. 1, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Chemtrail Watchers, Links to Site Below: (Good Info)


SUPERBOWL Superspray

Jan. 30, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Jan. 30, 2008:
"Virtu(e)altern-8 Reality and Blurring of Fact and Fantasy"
© Alan Watt Jan. 30, 2008

(Article: "MPs kept in the dark over EU treaty" by Isabel Oakeshott, Deputy Political Editor, The Sunday Times (timesonline.co.uk) - Jan. 27, 2008.)

Mainstream TV News, Standardized Information - Opinion Formation - Dialectic Process, Wars, Social Changes - Cold War. Aldous Huxley - Hallucinogenic Drugs, Tranquilizers, LSD - Computer-Brain Interface, EEG Helmet, Windows Vista - Brain Chip - Virtual Reality. "Virtual World", Avatars, Advertising - "Matrix" movie: Body as Battery, Living in Fantasy World - Youth Culture. European Amalgamation - Karl Marx, 3 Trading Blocs, United Nations - Amalgamation of Americas - "Democracy" - EU Treaty, Europol, MPs. Voice-to-Skull, Soviet Classrooms, Children's Minds. Supergovernment - North American Union, Pan-American Highway - Normans of Britain, Royalty, Banking - International Armies, Weapons. Special Treatment at Military Hospitals for Politicians - Elite Survival, Underground Cities - the "Winning Side", Religious Leaders (Good Shepherds).
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Jan. 30, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Jan. 28, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Jan. 28, 2008:
"Hey Diddle-Diddle, UN's in the Middle, NATO and the Warsaw Pact are One"
© Alan Watt Jan. 28, 2008

(Article: "Pre-emptive nuclear strike a key option, Nato told" by Ian Traynor in Brussels, The Guardian (guardian.co.uk) - Jan. 22, 2008.)

War of the Worlds (War ON the World) - Professor Carroll Quigley - Parallel Government - Rhodes Scholars, Oxford - "The Great Experiment". Social Engineering, Holland, Stay-at-home Fathers - Former Soviet Heads in US Homeland Security - Foundations, Reece Commission, Norman Dodd, RIIA. Communist Rule - Psychological Profiling - Chemtrails Tested in 1950's - New Normals, Reality Shows. MasoniCHIP Child Identification Program, Microchipping of Children for "Safety" - Freemasonry, Standardized Education. Buddhism, Dis-associative States, Hinduism - "Nothing is Real", "Illusion". Post-Industrial Britain, Economic Depression, Suicides, Extended-Hours Pubs - European Constitution - Legal Rights. Hollywood Propaganda Movies, World War II, "Terrorists". EU - North American Union, CFR - Bill Clinton. Nuclear Weapons, NATO (scrambled ATON), Terrorizing Public. Linguistic Minimalism - Scriptwriters, Television Dramas, Identification with Characters. Modified Coffee - Genetically-Modified Common Foods - Drug-Producing Plants, Opium - Monsanto, Canadian Testing - IQ Drop, Bodily Changes. Ayn Rand (Mistress of Rothschild) - Genius' "Right to Rule the Lesser."
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Jan. 28, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Jan. 25, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Jan. 25, 2008:
"Post-Kyoto and the Rising Cost of Hot Air - It Goes Up and Up and Up..."
© Alan Watt Jan. 25, 2008

(Article: "Fury as fuel poverty soars close to a 10-year record" by Tim Webb, The Observer (guardian.co.uk) - Jan. 20, 2008.)

(Article: "Only science can save us from climate catastrophe" by John Gray, The Observer (guardian.co.uk) - Jan. 20, 2008.)

911, Start of an Era, Agenda - American Amalgamation - Far East, Australia, New Zealand - Europe - Terrorism, Global Society - Distortion of Perception - "Peelers" of England. Aristocracy - Public Executions, Hanging and Quartering in Public Square - Instilling Terror - "Reds Under the Bed", Communists. Labor, Working-Class Movements - Elimination of Middle Class - Factory Towns - Owens' Utopia, Benevolent Dictator, Voltaire, Eugenics - Hollywood History. United Nations NGOs - World Chessboard, 9-11 - Corporate Fascism - Parallel Government. Kyoto Protocol, Control of All Energy and Resources - Taxpayer Funding, Utility Privatization. "Borgdom" - Brain Chips, Promotion, Promises: Stimulation of Brain Chemistry, Live a Movie in Your Mind, New Tranquilizer - 24 Hour Monitoring, Embedded (Non-Removable) Chip. Selling Premises - "Debate" on Climate Change - Propaganda, Polls - "Greens", Renewable and Sustainable Energy, Greenhouse Gases - Slogans, Repetition, Pablum. "Wag the Dog" movie - "It's on TV, it must be true" - "Expert" Badge - Bertrand Russell: State Gives Values to Children.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Jan. 25, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Jan. 23, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Jan. 23, 2008:
"Mysterious Revolution in Hormonal Evolution - Is Science Tinkering with Tinkerbell?"
© Alan Watt Jan. 23, 2008

(Article: "Girl, you'll be a woman sooner than expected" by Susan Brink, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer (latimes.com) - Jan. 21, 2008.)

Management, Governance - Computer Interfacing - Intelligence Agencies, Secrets - Gordon Brown, Global System - UN, NGOs, Sustainable Development - League of Nations. Industrial Era, Economics, Banking - Experts - Darwin, Evolutionary Theory, "World Consciousness". Population Reduction, First-Born Sacrifices, Promiscuity - Dependence on System. Youth Culture, Hollywood - Cold War, CIA Funding of Left and Right Wing Groups - Plato - Plastic Surgery, Terror of Growing Older. "Evolution" - Autism, IQ Drop - Facts and Theories - Dropping Age of Female Puberty - New Medical "Normals". Targeting Hormonal Development, Charles Galton Darwin - Inoculations - Preponderance of Evidence. "Republic" and "Democracy - Plebeians, Elections, Voting (the Way the Elite Want Them to) - Re-Public (Another Con). Founding Fathers, Government of Ancient Rome, Aristocracy, Eagle - Senate (Chess Floor of Egypt). Ralph Nader, UN Agenda, Habitat Areas, Bureaucracy - Louvre of France, Dubai - London, Sales of Parts of Scotland - Edinburgh - Finland, EU. Secret Societies, Comacines, Cathedrals, Lake Como, Red Thread, Green Man - Trotsky, Freemasonry. Harry Potter.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Jan. 23, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Jan. 21, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Jan. 21, 2008:
"The Eco Plan of the Great God Pan - The New Saviour is the God of Nature"
© Alan Watt Jan. 21, 2008

(Article: "Skeptical Scientists Urge World To 'Have the Courage to Do Nothing' At UN Conference" epw.senate.gov, Posted By Marc Morano - Dec. 11, 2007.)

(Article: "SENATOR INHOFE ANNOUNCES PUBLIC RELEASE OF "SKEPTIC'S GUIDE TO DEBUNKING GLOBAL WARMING"" epw.senate.gov, Marc Morano and Matt Dempsey - Dec. 8, 2006.)

Eco-Movement, Greening - Club of Rome - Terrorism - Common Enemy - Inquisitions. Pythagorean Schools, Code of Silence, Revolution - "Golden-Thighed Pythagoras" - Number and Color Coding, Blue and Red Ties, Green, Masonic Lodges. Farming Terminology - Property - Organ Donation - Passive Chips - Training the Herd. CONOLOGY - Environmental Con - UN Climate Change Conference, Bali - Skeptical Scientists, Man-Made Global Warming, IPCC. Slogans - Symbols - Raydon, Master of Ra - "Y", Trinity, Duad, Y-Chromosome. Protests - Canadian Parliament, High Masonry - Ronald Reagan, Helsinki, Shooting (a warning). Sumer: Movement from Highlands, Pantheon of Gods, Weights and Measures, Trade with India - Harappans - Previous Civilizations, Ages. Life-Extension, Prosperity for Those Serving "The Great Work" - Reincarnation into Family Lineages - Intermarriage, Selective Breeding, Eugenics. JFK, Secret Societies. European and Scandinavian Royalty - Revolutions - Dialectic - Israel - Water "Shortages" and Privatization. Use of the Mind - Brains "Like New, Never Used" - Matrix System- Grassroots Movements - Noble Blood - Benjamin Franklin, Hellfire Club, Mating for Offspring.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Jan. 21, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Jan. 18, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Jan. 18, 2008:
"Plan for Post-Human Efficient Chimeric Huxlian ZooMan"
© Alan Watt Jan. 18, 2008

(Link: "Life After People" show on History Channel, Jan. 21, 2008 9 PM.)

Downloading, Catchphrases - "Life After People" show on History Channel - Re-Engineering - Lenin, Societal Evolution, Communist Structure - "So Mote It Be". Stalin, Primary Education, Conditioning - Bertrand Russell's Experimental Schools - Plato - Kindergarten, Scientific Indoctrination. Testing for Leadership Qualities - Ritalin, Drugging - Question Askers - Group Consensus - Those Who are Awake - Meditative States. Waking People Up - Belief Systems - "Going Down with the Ship" - Conditioned Reality, Followers - WWII, Wartime Propaganda - American Christianity, Commerce. James Bond Character (Psychopathic) - CIA Culture Funding - Disintegration of Family - Radical Left Wing Groups. Police, Lawyer, Hospital Dramas - Terrorism - Good Reason and Real Reason - Aerial Spraying - United Nations, Population Reduction. FDR, Fugu Plan, US funding Japan Build-up, Pearl Harbor, Canada, Britain. Mossad, Secret Services.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Jan. 18, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Jan. 16, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Jan. 16, 2008:
"Close Lips, Wear Chips, and Don't Think of Me in that Tone of Expression -- Microsoft Patent to Monitor the Workers"
© Alan Watt Jan. 16, 2008

(Article: "Microsoft seeks patent for office 'spy' software" by Alexi Mostrous and David Brown, The Times - Jan. 16, 2008.)
(Movie: "THX 1138" with Robert Duvall.)

Robert Duvall "THX 1138" movie - Hollywood Writers, Futurist Society, "The Script" - Predictive Programming - NASA, Astronauts. Worker Psychological Profiles, Monitoring - Patents - Imbedded Chip - Training Exercises, Familiarization, Behaviour Modification, B.F. Skinner. "Maximizing Profit" - Sudbury Bank Tellers on Strike - "Street People" - City Trap - Speaking Out Now. Cold War, High Technology, Front Corporations. Bahai Religion, United Nations, Maurice Strong - World Religion, Masonic Symbolism. The Battlefield - Alternate Media - World Views - Empathy for Others - Fascist Systems. Destruction of Family, "Illumined Ones" take Control - Albert Pike - Personality of Male and Female - "Assertiveness Training" - Free Love, Orphanages, Birth Control. L. Ron Hubbard, Aleister Crowley, Rocket Testing, NASA - Science Fiction - Coupling of Science with Spirit. "Progress", Taking Ability of Sentience Away - Regional Supercomputers - No More You - Peace Within. "Youth Culture" - Age-Group Catering - Separation of Generations - "Teens" - Distrust of Elders.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Jan. 16, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Jan. 14, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Jan. 14, 2008:
"Utopia minus You - Paradise for the Few (Soon No Place to Run in Agenda 21)"
© Alan Watt Jan. 14, 2008

North American Price Increases - Oil Cartels, Foundations, Corporations, CEOs - Microchipping Prisoners, Pound Dogs, Pets. Water Fluoridation (Byproduct of Aluminum), Effect on Body and Brain, Brittle Bones. Greening Must-Be - Gorbachev, Green Cross, Knights of Lazarus - Australia - Eco-Terminology - Club of Rome. Predestination - Groups, Religious Organizations, Hard Marketing. Esoteric - Man, Human, Humus - Adam and Eve - Reincarnation, Plato - Body, Soul, Spirit Trinity. Patriot Radio Business, CIA, Counter-Propaganda, Schisms - U.S. Militarized Culture - James Goldsmith, European Union, "The Trap". "Truth" Movement, "The Box", "Getting America Back" - UN - Rogue Nations - Divide and Conquer, Smear Campaigns. 2010, American Amalgamation - 2012, 3 Trading Blocs - Pandemics, Containment Policies - Age of Chaos - India, South America - Safer Places. SARS, Flu, Far Eastern Peoples - Food, Barter, Necessities. Walt Disney, Talking Animals, Epcot Center. Francis Bacon, Walter Raleigh, Drake, Rosicrucians - Pirates, Knights Templars. Christianity, Peace, Faith - Dogma - Thinking, Conclusions - Waking Up, The Mind - Repertoires, Trained Routines.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Jan. 14, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Jan. 11, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Jan. 11, 2008:
"Big Brother Scans and Scams and Sneaky Adversaries in Deceitful Guise"
© Alan Watt Jan. 11, 2008

Laws and Commerce - Price of Human Life - Entertainment as a Drug - Automatons of Culture Creation Industry. Money vs. Real Wealth - Sumer 5000 B.C. - Silver, Coinage - Leisure Class - "Life Begins at Sumer" - Wool Trade, India - Ancient Taxation - Elite Intermarriage, Interbreeding. Frankfurt School, Natzi Germany - Front Organizations - American Culture, Capitalism, Marketing, "Jingles" - Factory Towns, Factors. Survival, Fight or Flight Syndrome - Nervous System Stimulation - Self-Motivation, Personal Choices - Media, Brzezinski - Routines, Repertoires. Children's Websites, "Anne of Green Gables", Fingerprint Scanners, OPP (Ontario Provincial Police), "For Your Safety". Faith and Belief - Fact - U.S. Religion - Wellesley, Franklin - "Born Again", "Amen", "Hallelujah", Trigger Words. Education - Old Books, Pre-1920 - John Gatto - Teachers, Educational Associations, United Nations - UNESCO, Global Culture, Standardized Indoctrination.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Jan. 11, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Jan. 9, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Jan. 9, 2008:
Noteworthy Notestein and His not so Worthy (Grand)Masters - "Totalitarian Regime Necessary for Drastic Depopulation"
© Alan Watt Jan. 9, 2008

(Article: "Coercive population control: from the mouth of Frank Notestein" by Daniel Taylor, oldthinkernews.com - Dec. 19, 2007.)

Capitalism and Communism - Lenin, Trotsky, Bolshevik Revolution - "Survival of the Fittest" - "The Great Experiment" - International Corporations. Psychopathic System, Ruthlessness, Cunning - Charles Darwin, High Masonry, Hinduism, Evolution, Transmigration, Selective Breeding. Bertrand Russell, Committee of 100, "Nuclear Threat" - Population Reduction and Control, Birth Rate, Death Rate. Frank W. Notestein - Thomas Malthus - "Zero Rate of Growth", Family Planning, Free Abortion, Soviet Union. Price Paid for Knowledge and Understanding - Being Awake - Brain in Overdrive. Late Night Talk Shows, Dream Land, Suggestibility - "Shadow People", "Voices from Hell" - Entertainment, Blurring of Reality - Modified Coffee, Bizarre Dreams. Religion, Faith, Belief - CIA, MI6, New Age Movement - Pied Pipers - Earth Worship, Gorbachev - Fatalism. US Police State - Latin America, Chile - Third-World Countries - Unification of Americas, 2010 - Plagues, Pandemics, Age of Chaos.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Jan. 9, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Jan. 7, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Jan. 7, 2008:
"Sprayed Skies Falling on Me, Blind are Coughing but cannot See, Chemtrails all the Day Long, Never Saw Our Health going so Wrong"
(To be sung to "Blue Skies")
© Alan Watt Jan. 7, 2008

(Article: "Thousands Exposed to Poison by Government's Aerial Spraying" by Rami Nagel, newstarget.com - Dec. 31, 2007.)

Brave New World - Building Society - Electronic Link-up Era, Brain Chips - Consciousness - "The Blind", "The Dead". $100 Laptop - Shared Connectivity, New Community - Nicholas Negroponte - Freemasonry, Masonic Chip - Homeland Security, Hospitals, Coming Plague. Aerial Chemical Spraying for "Moths", Untested Chemicals, Checkmate OLR-F and Checkmate LBAM-F - EPA - Pesticide Experimentation - Monterrey, Santa Cruz, California. Court of Law, Preponderance of Evidence - Population Reduction, Autism - Chemtrails, US Air Force "Owning the Weather", New Phenomena - Global Warming (formerly Cooling). New Age Movement, CIA, Department of Culture - Magazine Funding - Gloria Steinem. United Nations Scandals, Food for Oil - Marvel Comics, UNICEF, "Peacekeepers" - Albanians, Heroin, Afghanistan, "Poppy" Bush. "Breaking Out", Old-Think - The Matrix - Ron Paul - New Values - Parallel Government - Patriot Act. Working-Class Poor - Soaring Energy, Food, Water Costs - Food as a Weapon - British Department of Defence 30-year Projections, Riots, Neutron Bombs. "Mates" and "Partners" - Bertrand Russell's Experimental Schools, Early Promiscuity, Destruction of Bonding.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Jan. 7, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Jan. 4, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Jan. 4, 2008:
"The Dead Don't Mind in the Land of The Blind"
© Alan Watt Jan. 4, 2008

(Article: "San Fran wireless plans getting spooky" by Mark Baard - Jan. 4, 2008.)

Plato's Republic - City Beehive - United Nations, Supercities, Habitat Areas - Lack of Privacy - Data Collection. Land of the Dead - Helping Lame to Walk, Blind to See - Secret Signs, Mystery Religion - "The Great Work". Genetic Identification - Terrorism - "Old-fashioned ideas", "Mental Illness" - Mimicry - Ancient Greece, Traveling Shows for Slaves - Songs, Poetry, Licensed Musicians. British Empire, Free Trade - Property Deeds, Tenants - White-Collar Crime - Agri-Businesses eliminating Small Farmers - Food, Fuel, Energy Takeover - Plagues, Population Reduction. The Matrix - Ideas, Education, Perception - Adaptation - Psychopathic Traits of Elite - Throne for "King of the World". Buying Our own Chains - Computers - Wireless Internet Networks - Speed - Bin Laden, Bush Family - Monitoring, Surveillance - TV Flicker Rate. Schooling, State gives Values - Video Games, Military-Industrial Complex - Groupthink, Consensus, Following Orders - Mercenaries, Looting, Pillaging - Vietnam, Conscription. Wisdom of Elders - Generation Separation - "Geriatrics" - Children's Day Care. Overcrowded Cities, "Soylent Green" movie. Absurd Opinions - Bertrand Russell quote - Greening - Carbon Tax - Given Beliefs, "Sanity".
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Jan. 4, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Jan. 2, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Jan. 2, 2008:
"Politics is the Opiate for the People" or "You Have to be a "Dope" to Vote"
© Alan Watt Jan. 2, 2008

Communistic Rule, Fascists at Top - Money, Banking, Commerce, Labor - Common Granaries, Interest - Temple Bankers. Predictability, Monitoring - Totalitarian System - Charters of United Nations - "Mental Illness", Psychology, Psychiatry - "Free" Internet. DNA, Cryogenic Arks - World Wildlife Society - (ISS) International Space Station - Science Re-Search - Disaster Scenarios, Cold War - Riots, Food Rationing, Rising Energy Costs. Integration of the Americas - Council on Foreign Relations, Royal Institute for International Affairs. Game of Show-Biz Politics - Middle-Men - Parallel Government, Carroll Quigley - Elections, Financing, Party System - Voting Out Last Bunch of Crooks. Politburo - Global Elite, Intelligentsia. WWII - Natzi Concentration Camps for "Safety" - Public Disbelief of Reality. Borders - Free Trade (Authorized) and Labor (Selected) - Nomadic Boat People from US - Border Security, Priority Hiring. Greening, David Suzuki, Culling Population - George Soros (Serpent, Dragon), Philanthropy, NGOs - Bill Gates - "Democracy" - Armand Hammer - Names, Functions. Synchronicities - Ancient Religions - Old Buddhism - Process of Waking Up - Power of the Mind.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Jan. 2, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

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