Cutting Through The Matrix with Alan Watt
Reality Check 2 DVD
EVERY SUNDAY - Redux Talk can be downloaded after 5 p.m. EST on Sunday. Click on "Free Audio Archives"

ESSENTIAL READING - New transcripts uploaded regularly. Click Here to see the latest additions.

ESSENTIAL VIEWING - Reality Check 1 DVD. Click Here for free download or ordering details.

ESSENTIAL VIEWING - Reality Check 2 DVD (2 Hours). Click Here for details and ordering.

ESSENTIAL LISTENING - Ancient Religions and History MP3 CD Part 2 (1998 - 2000) 12 Hrs. Click Here

In all ages, in all lands, there have been those who seek truth. This seeking is an individual's search for something more than self, and much more than the confines of this worldly system. It is the seeker, who understands there is more than what meets the eye, who is not afraid and makes the choice to go into the unknown. The process of awaking has begun, the discovery is underway.
Alan Watt - A Course in Deprogramming
Alan's Books
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Feb. 6, 2025 -- Please Note:     

* BOOK CLUB - Current reading assignment is Ch. 20, "Tragedy and Hope: The Future in Perspective", We are covering Ch. 20 Sat. 22 Feb, 11:00 CST/17:00 UK. Telegram bookclub channel

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     is PRICELESS.
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Waiting..... Alan Watt's Book:

"Waiting for the Miracle....."

"Waiting for the Miracle.....
The Symbiosis of Exoteric and Esoteric Societies and Their Unfaltering Goals Down through the Ages"

BOOK FORM Transcripts of the Sweet Liberty broadcasts.

Esperando el Milagro..... (Español)
Esperando um Milagre..... (Português)
Ein Wunder Erwarten..... (German)

$70 USD - U.S.
$90 USD - Other countries

BUY Ancient History and Ancient Religion CDs
Companions to Waiting for the Miracle

Alan Watt's Talks
Alan Watt's Talks, Topics, Links - Free Download


Alan Watt's Talks in Transcript Form

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Your GIFT DONATIONS are not only appreciated, but absolutely necessary.
Thank you.

Current and Recent Blurbs, i.e. Educational Talks:

Feb. 6, 2025
"Real History" with Melissa
Ep. 104 "Diana and the Process of Healing"
Dialogue Copyrighted CTTM - Feb. 6, 2025 (Exempting Bumper Music)

Podcast links:

Warlyndi - (Diana's Rumble channel)

Taking It to the Next Level Healing (Diana's website)

Survivor Support (Jon Uhler's website)

Snatched From the Flames (Nathan Reynold's website)

"Real History" with Melissa - Ep. 4 "The Transcriber" (Diana)

"Real History" with Melissa - Ep. 54 "Diana=Tribe/Is Evil Tangible?" (Diana)

"Real History" with Melissa - Ep. 11 "Demons, Dybbuks and Druggies" - (Giovanni)

Ep. 104 "Diana and the Process of Healing" - video version

Feb. 2, 2025
"Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux
(Educational Talk From the Past)
"Who Writes the Page for Planned Outrage?"
Dialogue Copyrighted AW - May 11, 2014 Exempting Music and Literary Quotes)

Redux links:

Transcript - "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt - "Who Writes the Page for Planned Outrage?" - May 11, 2014

U.N. warns of executions and gang rapes as war in Congo escalates (2025)

A Conflict in Congo (2025)

Zijin plans lithium production in Congo from early 2026

How long has the CIA been stirring the pot in the Congo? (1981)

‘A thick web of CIA operations and dirty tricks’ (2024)

Sexual abuse by UN peacekeepers

Bosnia: The United Nations, human trafficking and prostitution (2002)

Meanwhile, what's happening in your own area? ‘Not just a number’: How annual count snapshots homelessness in North Texas

‘Teen whisperer’ provides hope for Texas human trafficking survivors

(Texas) Public Education Bills: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Mines of hell: risking their lives for coltan

Conflict and Coltan in Eastern Congo

Jan. 30, 2025
"Real History" with Melissa
Ep. 103 "Rick is a Proud Conspiracy Theorist"
Dialogue Copyrighted CTTM - Jan. 23, 2025 (Exempting Bumper Music)

Redux links:

Know Your Rights



Infinite Plane Radio

The News-Benders (BBC, 1968)

Inside The LC: The Strange but Mostly True Story of Laurel Canyon and the Birth of the Hippie Generation: Part I

Carl Jung -- OSS Agent

Carl Jung's Wartime Positioning: A Neutral Analysis of His Actions and Affiliations

The Unlikely Connections: JFK, Allen Dulles, and Carl Jung

When a C.I.A. Director Had Scores of Affairs

video version - Ep. 103 - "Rick is a Proud Conspiracy Theorist"

Jan. 26, 2025
"Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux
(Educational Talk From the Past)
"Artificial Intelligence and the New World Order"
Dialogue Copyrighted CTTM - Jan. 26, 2025, AW - Aug. 29, 2007; Mar. 10, Sept. 22, Dec. 11, 2008; Dec. 3, 2017; July 14, 21, 2019 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes)

Redux links:

Alan Watt on Dr. Bill Deagle - Aug. 29, 2007

Alan Watt on RBN - Mar. 10, Sept. 22, Dec. 11 2008

Alan Watt blurb - Dec. 3, 2017

Alan Watt blurb - July 14 and 21, 2019

The ORACLE - by Not Sure

Video version - Redux #198 "Artificial Intelligence and the New World Order"

Before Jeff Bezos’ Grandfather Helped Found DARPA, L.P. Gise Was A High-Level Director At The Atomic Energy Commission.

Lawrence Preston Gise (born 1915) - Housatonic

President Trump announces 'Stargate' venture to invest $500 billion in AI infrastructure

The Stargate Project

Stargate Project

A Trump Party Hosted by Peter Thiel, With All of Silicon Valley

“Billionaires Try to Shrink World’s Population”: Sponsored by Bill Gates (2021)

Attali questioned over arms scandal (2001)

Digital ID or Digital Prison (and Five Pillars to Enslave Humanity) - by Aman Jabbi (2023)

Air Force Seeks (Non Lethal) City Stopper (2008)

The National Artificial Intelligence Research and Development Strategic Plan (Oct. 2016)

Putin: Leader in artificial intelligence will rule world (2017)

Google staff keep ‘blacklist’ of conservative and ‘fringe’ sites - report (2019)

Future Work/Technology 2050 Global Scenarios

Jan. 26, 2025
"Cutting Through the Matrix" --- Special
Lee, Darin and Melissa - Book Club "Tragedy and Hope" - Ch. 18 "Nuclear Rivalry and the Cold War: the Race for H-Bomb: 1950-1957"

Book club links:

video version - CTTM Bookclub Tragedy and Hope Ch. 18 "Nuclear Rivalry and the Cold War"

Operation Greenhouse

The CIA and the Media

The CIA and Time Magazine: Journalistic Ethics and Newsroom Dissent

De-Stalinization: The Secret speech (1956)

Khrushchev's American Tour: A Surreal Cold War Tale

Two Vietnam Wars 001 The French War

Jan. 23, 2025
"Real History" with Melissa
Ep. 102 "Sunshine Allie"
Dialogue Copyrighted CTTM - Jan. 23, 2025 (Exempting Bumper Music)

Podcast links:

Project for the New American Century

Happy Birthday Mr. President - Allison

Marilyn Monroe Sings Happy Birthday Mr. President to JFK

The Net - the Unabomber, LSD and the Internet

Stewart Brand

We are as Gods - Stewart Brand

Jeffrey Epstein’s Intellectual Enabler (John Brockman)

Jeffrey Epstein infiltrated science because it was ready to accommodate him

Digital ID or Digital Prison (and Five Pillars to Enslave Humanity) - by Aman Jabbi

Five Hundred Miles

Jan. 19, 2025
"Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux
(Educational Talk From the Past)
"Leisure Versus Tunnel Vision"
Dialogue Copyrighted CTTM - Jan. 19, 2025, AW - June 6, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes)

Redux links:

Audio - Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: "Not Safe in Your Holmes" - July 24, 2012

Transcript - Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: "Not Safe in Your Holmes" - July 24, 2012

Original Audio, Topics - Alan Watt - Blurb - "Tunnel Vision - Brought to You by Those with Vision" June 6, 2007 (Scroll to bottom of page)

Transcript - Alan Watt - Blurb - "Tunnel Vision - Brought to You by Those with Vision" June 6, 2007

Trump shares poor photoshop job of himself, Elon Musk and allies as superheroes

Opinion: What Vivek Ramaswamy leaves out of his story of South Asian success

Opinion: Does America need more meritocracy?

The Technocratic Blueprint

In Defence of Judy Wood - David A. Hughes on Camp 1, 2, and 3

Read Yuval Harari's blistering warning to Davos in full (2020)

Cryptocurrency Is a Giant Ponzi Scheme

Jeffrey Tucker

Norman Dodd on the Reece Committee and the Influence of Tax Exempt Foundations

Alan Watt - Blurb - "Sing Your Song and Steal Some Time" Feb 28, 2007

Josef Pieper, Philosopher, Author: Leisure - The Basis of Culture

Jan. 16, 2025
"Real History" with Melissa
Ep. 101 "Ryan in the Mountains"
Dialogue Copyrighted CTTM - Jan. 16, 2025 (Exempting Bumper Music)

Podcast links:

Alan Watt's "Reality Check" video

Australian Alps

Solomon Burke - None Of Us Are Free

Video version "Ryan in the Mountains"

Jan. 12, 2025
"Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux
(Educational Talk From the Past)
"Fire! Reptilian Brain, and This Century of the Great Transition"
Dialogue Copyrighted CTTM - Jan. 12, 2025, AW - July 15, 22, 2018 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes)

Redux links:

Original audio, topics and links - "Battalions of Foundations, NGOs Unelected, Reshaping Cultures, Mostly Undetected" - Jan. 15, 2018, and "Genetics Must Lead to the Eugenics Czar, Who'll Decide Your Fate if Just Below PAR" - Jan. 22, 2018

What to Know About the LA Fire Hydrants That Ran Dry When They Were Needed Most

Intensifying climate ‘whiplash’ set the stage for devastating California fires

‘It’s like Armageddon.’ Restaurant owner describes fire that burned Moonshadows, Reel Inn and others

James Woods says his house survived after he thought L.A. fires destroyed it: 'A miracle'

With 28 fires out of control, Ontario gets help from U.S., Mexico, other provinces (2018)

Fire crews continue to fight Parry Sound 33 fire, which has caused evacuations south of Sudbury (2018)

Britain’s First Supervised Drug Use Room Is Set to Open in Glasgow

C.E.O.s Are Tripping

Miguel Sabido’s Entertainment-Education

The Model Of The 3 Brains: Reptilian, Limbic And Neocortex

Council of Councils

The Council of Councils Thirteenth Annual Conference : Washington - May 19-21, 2024

The Challenge to Global Order: A Conversation With Richard N. Haass and the Council of Councils

The Even Older Plan for World Gov't You've Never Heard Of (Truthstream Media)

Sleepwalking Into a China-Style Social Credit System

The Same Frequencies Used for Pain-Inflicting Crowd Control Weapons Form the Foundation of the Network that Will Tie Together More Than 50 Billion Devices As Part of the Internet of Things

How Safe is Your Cell Phone?

The Wifi Alliance, Coming Soon to Your Neighborhood: 5G Wireless

France’s "Fake News" Law Will Be Used To Silence Critics, Win Elections

Cannabis poisonings among older adults have tripled, study finds

'Prostitutes, orgies, group sex - all of it': it goes to the 'highest heights' of New Zealand's power structure

Jan. 9, 2025
"Real History" with Melissa
Ep. 100 "The New Year with Neil
Dialogue Copyrighted CTTM - Jan. 9, 2025 (Exempting Bumper Music)

Podcast links:

Audio Archives - Real History with Melissa

Video version - Ep. 100 - "The New Year with Neil"

Flúirse - beautiful Irish music performed by Irish young people - one is the daughter of a listener!

Catastrophic Contagion 2025

WHO chief Tedros Ghebreyseus is accused of aiding genocide in Ethiopia

The geoengineering project next door

'We Created A Pretend World': Mossad Agents Boast About Mass Pager Attack In Lebanon

TONY BLAIR: Taxes are high. The NHS is coming apart at the seams. We need a once-in-a-generation disruption.

Mandelson’s ‘Millennium Dome experience’ is a 25-year-old nightmare Britain would rather forget

Unlikely friendship that transcends wealth and politics


Jan. 7, 2025
"Real History" with Melissa
Ep. 99 "Part 2 - Nick Heys -- Brave New World REVISITED"
Dialogue Copyrighted CTTM - Jan. 7, 2025 (Exempting Bumper Music)

Podcast links:

Heys Reviews

Transcript - "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Materialism = 'Societal Breakdown, Financial Mess, We All Pay for Our Rulers' Success." - Feb. 10, 2019

Edward Filene

Institute for Propaganda Analysis

The Sleep room: CIA-funded experiments on patients in Montreal hospital (1998) - The Fifth Estate

The Memory Thief: The Story of Dr. Ewen Cameron (2005)

The Allan Memorial Institute: (1953-1973) - CIA Project MKUltra - McGill Univ. - Montreal

Roman Scandals: Keep Young and Beautiful

Quick History | Add an Egg: How Cake Mix Overcame Social Shame

Real History - video version - "Ep. 99 "Part 2 - Nick Heys -- Brave New World REVISITED"

Jan. 5, 2025
"Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux
(Educational Talk From the Past)
"Entertainment Zoo is Destroying You"
Dialogue Copyrighted CTTM - Jan. 5, 2025, AW - Jan. 2, 2013 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes)

Redux links:

Original Audio - Alan Watt on RBN "Entertainment Zoo is Destroying You" - Jan. 2, 2013 (Scroll to date)

Transcript - Alan Watt on RBN "Entertainment Zoo is Destroying You" - Jan. 2, 2013

New Year's Resolve - by Not Sure

Cold and flooded, children in Gaza face dire — and deadly — winter amid Israel's offensive

Palestinian Authority suspends broadcast of Qatar's Al Jazeera TV

Jenin refugee camp

Fighting Israel’s War in Jenin: Can the Palestinian Authority Be Saved?

'Huge amount' of Gaza surgery on children, says UK doctor

Humanity is failing to meet its climate change goals. Here's what experts say we can still do

Breaking: Dr. Tim Ball Defeats Michael ‘Hockey Stick’ Mann’s Climate Lawsuit


How To Win The War For Your Mind

Constant Conflict - Ralph Peters for Parameter Magazine (military)

Crypto-Eugenic Media Group: Population Control Brainwashing A “Smash Hit”

Population Media Center

Miguel Sabido’s Entertainment-Education

Miguel Sabido

Environment : The Greening of Gorbachev : The former Soviet leader now heads a new environmental group, the International Green Cross. (1993 - behind paywall)

Green Cross US

Diane Meyer Simon

Asher and Kendra Simon

Simon Pivots to Social Justice

Sarah Meyer Simon and Matt Petersen Speak at Millennium Awards

Australian Carbon Tax Responsible for Damaging 80% of Australian Small Businesses

Council on Foreign Relations Reveals How World Government Can Be Achieved in 2013

Council on Foreign Relations Reveals How World Government Can Be Achieved in 2013

Jan. 2, 2025
"Real History" with Melissa
Ep. 98 "Nick Heys -- Brave New World REVISITED"
Dialogue Copyrighted CTTM - Jan. 2, 2025 (Exempting Bumper Music)

Podcast links:

Real History with Melissa - Archive of past conversations in audio form

Heys Reviews

The Milner-Fabian Conspiracy by Ioan Ratiu (2012) - Part 10

The Eugenics Review

31 states have laws that allow forced sterilizations, new report shows

Huxley based BNW character Mustapha Mond on British Industrialist Alfred Mond

British Philanthropist and Zionist Alfred Mond Is Born

Zionist Leader Mond and the Plan to Build Up a Jewish Homeland

Alan Watt - Experiments - Ep. 1 - "Obedience to Authority"

Alan Watt - Experiments - Ep. 2 - "Asch Conformity Tests"

CON-Spirituality - by Not Sure

We - a sci-fi novel by Yevgeny Zamyatin

Dec. 29, 2024
"Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux
(Educational Talk From the Past)
"The Sun is Risen"
Dialogue Copyrighted CTTM - Dec. 29, 2024, AW - Dec. 27, 2006 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes)

Redux links:

Original Audio and Topics - Alan Watt Blurb - "The Sun is Risen" - Dec. 27, 2006 (scroll to date)

Transcript - Alan Watt Blurb - "The Sun is Risen" - Dec. 27, 2006

Trump Weighs In On H-1B Visa Program Dividing MAGA World

Musk and Ramaswamy are sparking a debate over the H-1B visa. Here's what to know about the visa.

Elon Musk's Vow to 'Go to War' Raises Eyebrows

6 babies abandoned in Houston area in 3 months, sparks urgent resource discussion

2006: a vintage year for ideas that will change our world

Video on Rumble - Alan Watt - Redux 194 - "The Sun is Risen" - 12/29/24

What is the biodigital convergence?

Biodigital: Disruption of sectors | Futures Week 2022

Dec. 25, 2024
"Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux
(Educational Talk From the Past)
"Merry Christmas, 2024"
Dialogue and Guitar Composition Copyrighted CTTM - Dec. 25, 2024, AW - Dec. 25, 2008 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes)

*WATCH Blurb


Coming Shows --- Alan Watt Redux

Sun., Feb. 9, 2025

"Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux
(Educational Talk From the Past)

Thurs., Feb. 13, 2025

"Real History" with Melissa
Ep. 105 - Neil Foster and Angry North

Recent Shows

Thurs., Feb. 6, 2025

"Real History" with Melissa
Ep. 104 - Diana and the Process of Healing

Sun., Feb. 2, 2025

"Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux
(Educational Talk From the Past)

Sat., Feb. 1, 2024

CTTM Book Club "Tragedy and Hope"
Dan, Graeme and Melissa cover Ch. 19 "The New Era 1957-1964" - video to follow

Thurs., Jan. 30, 2025

"Real History" with Melissa
Ep. 103 - Rick is a Proud Conspiracy Theorist

Sun., Jan. 26, 2025

"Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux
(Educational Talk From the Past)

Thurs., Jan. 23, 2025

"Real History" with Melissa
Ep. 102 - Sunshine Allie

In Memory of Alan Watt - 1st published March 7, 2021

From Latin, Redux -- "brought back."
Every Sunday, a past talk, often with a new introduction.
Alan's words seem timeless.

Blurbs and Shows on MP3 CDs

Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN
(Each Disc has 50 Shows [39 Hours] on 1 MP3 CD)

Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on WTPRN
(17 Shows on 1 MP3 CD [28 Hours])

Blurbs (i.e. Educational Talks) on MP3 CD

Audio Shows (Alan Watt as Guest)


Alan Watt on USB!
Audios, Videos, and more
ORDER via Stripe and email Melissa

New! Alan's audios and videos on seven flash drives!
All Recordings on Flash Drive

Visit the "Free Audio Archive" (button near the top of this page) to find numerous interviews with Alan Watt.


P.S. If you've forgotten your official description, phone up the Federal Department of Statistics and give your PIN-S.S. Number and they'll give you your official corporate identity with regards to who owns you (citizen/subject), Official Purpose (amount of tax revenue you will generate in lifetime), Personality Profile, DNA type, IQ, etc.. Tell them you're still running on FLOPPY, and you'd like to upgrade to HARD disk, and you'd like more RAM. If you'd like to afFORD an upgrade to G.M. (Grand Master). They say it's the only way to go. Or is it better to be a chevalier (which of course is Chevrolet).
For those who wish information on Reptilian people, rather than waste my time, please check the entertainment sections of major bookstores or visit the local zoo and look up these particular categories: Crocodilia, Squamata, Rhynchocephalia, and Testudines. If the department head is in good form he may answer some questions, depending on how hot or cold-blooded he feels at the time, but generally he's a good egg. Reptilian StatueDon't show off your knowledge on the subject, because he may become green with envy and give you a watered down story. Failing that, have a hypnotist see if you're highly suggestible or ponder this profound statement by Adam Weishaupt:

"Oh, foolish man, what can you not be made to believe?"

Alan Watt exposes the Great Con
[ Alan Watt exposes the Great Con ]

In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.


Look up to the sky, what do you see?
Here's what we saw:
Chemtrails Page

All of Alan Watt's Audios and Videos on 7 Flash Drives

Your Gift Donations are not only appreciated, but absolutely necessary.
Ordering - We will soon update the site
with new payment options.
Until we are able to do this we are only able to accept cash for
donations and orders. Thank you.

ORDO AB CHAO = Order Out of Chaos We are truly into the age of chaos, long in the planning and written about openly by the big movers and shakers who lord over us. Some of them, such as Brzezinski have described the coming effects on world-wide societies as akin to the vast population movements which occurred at the beginning of the industrial revolution.

After the unification of Europe was to follow the unification of the Americas with the resulting clash of cultures and the initial mayhem produced. People slept while the Free Trade Agreement and the subsequent NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) were discussed with deliberate minimum coverage by the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) controlled media.

For those who wish to check, the publicly available censored version will see it has to do, in part, with THE FREE FLOW OF GOODS AND LABOR across traditional national boundaries. People are being encouraged to blame the effect (mass influx from south) and to completely forget the cause. Out of the mayhem will materialize, as if by magic, a new Constitution of the Americas. This will be presented as the only reasonable and logical direction to go if we are all to live in peace and security.

Coupled with this will come the announcement that every citizen of the Americas must accept an INTERNATIONAL Identity Card under the guise that authorities will be able to track criminal elements moving northwards. The problem has been caused, the reaction is underway, and the solution will be presented. This is the standard Hegelian technique which never fails.

Alan Watt
     (Soon to be copied and spun by some
     well known author near you)